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Max Gransden


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1. Living

Max Gransden

  • Died: 8 Mar 2004, Prahan, Victoria, Australia 541
  • Buried: 16 Mar 2004, Wd Rose Chapel, Brighton Victoria 526

bullet  General Notes:

I am actually a tenant of Max and Marjorie's (is that grammatically correct? .. you know what I mean). I rented this apartment from Max 25 years ago ... I had given a list of my requirements to Real Estate Agents in the area and this Agent said "I know someone who would love to have you as a tenant" and I haven't looked back since. It was a year later that I actually met Max and we clicked immediately. We were on the same wavelength although Max was much older. We had the same interests namely, cars and also doing everything we attempt as close to perfection as possible. Our meeting must have been some sort of providence because Max and Marjorie became my extended family in Australia. I am from India (as you may have gathered from my name) so I was away from my own family and oddly enough, Max also reminded me of my Dad, to whom I was very close. Dad and I have always been best friends as well so Max filled that spot admirably. So the years went by and I didn't buy my own home as I had planned to do simply because I didn't want to break up our association. I'm not sure how well you knew Max or if you knew him at all. I'll assume you didn't. He was a Director of Ford Australia ... he may even have been Chairman but I'm not too sure about that. Anyway, young Edsel Ford was sent to Melbourne to learn the ropes several years ago. Apparently Ford Australia is just the right size to learn since it is very like the US but on a smaller scale. So Max was given "mentor" status when he gained his new protege. However, it wasn't an easy task. Edsel was very difficult and didn't want to learn. Apparently he was also very homesick. He didn't mix with anyone but instead escaped home and watched TV all evening. Dealing with Edsel was difficult for Max since he and Marjorie didn't have any children. And whenever something happened that he (Edsel) didn't like Max would get a call from his father the next day saying "don't make him do this or that". Edsel used to run home and call Dad when he didn't like something he had to do! I was very intrigued with these stories Max related because we don't normally get to know what actually happens with the "big names" (the inside story) only what is reported. As you can imagine, Max was at his wits end to find things to interest Edsel. On one occasion, he arranged the launch of a new Ford Model at a race track on a Saturday thinking he could interest Edsel in the event. But Edsel didn't turn up. Apparently he said "There's more to life than the Ford Motor Company." Anyway, Edsel then went home and got married and apparently after that he was more adaptable to life in Australia ... somewhat.
Gita Shankar


Max married Living

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