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Robert Wood Gransden
Mary Anne Stone
James Elphick
Sarah Parker
Edwin Gransden
Rebekah Elphick
Edwin James Gransden


Family Links

1. Catherine Wright

Edwin James Gransden

  • Born: 19 May 1864, Crocodile Creek, Rockhampton, QLD, Australia 819
  • Marriage (1): Catherine Wright on 4 Apr 1893 in Congregational Church, Brighton Road, South Brisbane, QLD, Australia 818
  • Died: 4 Jul 1938, Brisbane Hospital, Brisbane, QLD, Australia at age 74
  • Buried: 5 Jul 1938, Brisbane Crematorium, Old, Australia

bullet   Cause of his death was Cerebral Haemorrhage.


bullet  General Notes:

Admitted to Diamintina Orphanage 18 June 1870

Admission Register Diamantina Orphanage and Receiving Depot (Accessed 30 Jan 2016)
No 545
Where Born- Crocodile Creek
When born 1864
When admitted- 18 June 1870
Why admitted- Parents both dead
When Discharged- 19th Feb 1873
To Whome Discharged- Mrs Dockrill
For what purpose discharged- Adopted
Name of Parents- Edwin and Rebecca Gransden
Religion of Parents- Church of England

Usual residence at time of marriage= Tartha, Moonie River
Occupation at time of marriage- overseer

Adoption details
William Dockrill (1830-1913) from Cambridge, arrived here in 1852 on the April aged 21. He worked at Tathra as a horse driver and a shearer. Eventually buying the place. He was single until he married in 1866 to Martha (Goss) Slight. She had previously been married to Amos Slight who lost his life in 1866. As we got his inquest, it was stated that he had been a shepherd "up country" and we presume that he and his wife Martha had worked on the property when they initially arrived - because Amos died 12 sept 1866 and Dockrill and Martha were married very quickly on 13 Dec 1866 at Church of St John Brisbane (C of E). They MUST have known each other, through this connection.

Martha had been married to Amos since May 1861 and had no children. They adopted Edwin from the Diamintina Orphanage on 19 feb 1873. So Edwin worked as an overseer on the property. Do not know how he met his future wife (Wright) but they married in 1893 - here is the information from Trove

1893 'Family Notices.', The Queenslander (Brisbane, Qld. : 1866 - 1939), 15 April, p. 681, viewed 1 February, 2016,
GRANSDEN'97WRIGHT.'97On the 4th April, at Brighton-Road-Congregational Church, by the Rev. William Bradley, Edwin James Gransden, adopted son of William Dockerill, of Tartha Station, Moonie River, to Catherine Wright, stepdaughter of Henry Beresford, of West End.

A very pretty wedding was celebrated at Brighton road Congregational Church on April 4. Miss Catherine Wright, stopdaughter of Mr. H. Beresford, of West End, was united to Mr. Edwin J. Gransden, adopted son of Mr. William Dockerell, of Tartha station, Moonie River. The ceremony was performed by the Rev. William Bradley. The bride wore a dress of ivory white crepon, and train, trimmed with, wide watered ribbon and swans down wreath of orange blossoms and embroidered tulle veil; she carried a shower bouquet of tuberoses, and was attended by four bridesmaids. Two were in white gowns and hats with buttercup trimmings and bouquets to match, and wearing horseshoe brooches, the gift of the bridegroom. The other two were little girls in white frocks, with eau de nil silk trimmings, hats of white velvet and swans down, ostrich feathers to match, each carrying a basket of flowers, with ribbons of the same colour.

The bridegroom was also attended by two gentlemen, Mr. Charles Aulsebrook acting as best man. The mother of the bride wore it black crepe dress, trimmed with gray beaver; bonnet to match, and tlhe mother of the bridegroom a handsome navy and cream silk, with bonnet to correspond. Among the quests many other handsome dresses were worn, the buttercup shade predominating. The church was tastefully decorated by the young friends of the bride. As the pair left the church the "Wedding March" was played by Miss McLean, while showers of rice and good wishes came from the many friends assembled.

A large number of guests afterwards met at the residence of the bride's parents, where an excellent wedding breakfast was served, and the customary toast was honoured. Mr. and Mrs. Gransden left by the 4 o'clock train for Southport, where they make a short stay previous to returning to Tartha.

so they both went back to the property.
But later returned to Brisbane to work on the Railways -- they also had NO children

Overland Passengers April 19 1902 Wallangarra
Mr and Mrs J E Gransden

A well-attended meeting of the Brisbane branch of the Queensland Railways Traffic Employees' Association was held in the Trades Hall on Sunday evening last, Mr. E. J. Gransden occupying the chair. The Social Committee reported everything in
readiness for the record crowd expected on July 8 in the Protestant Hall, in honour of the advent of closer unity among railway men.

death in hospital
GRANSDEN Edwin 73 13 04 Jul 1938 A/50663 298295

wife Catherine dies in 1937 and is buried at Cleveland Cemetery Brisbane

the adopted parents Dockrill - Martha died in 1916 - whether he benefited from the will is unclear, as she mentions a dear dear friend living at Southport, who had befriended her in recent times……

Saturday 19 August 1916
IN THE SUPREME COURT OF QUEENSLAND In the WILL OF MARTHA DOCKRILL, late of Heron Cottee, Nerang Street, Southport, in the State of Queensland Widow, Deceased.

Notice is hereby given that, after the expiration of fourteen days from the date of the publication hereof, application will be made to this Honourable Court that PROBATE of the WILL of the abovenamed Martha Dockrill deceased, may be granted to GEORGE DAW, of Nerang street, Southport, in the said State, Carpenter the sole Executor named in the said WILL.

1918 'Advertising.', The Brisbane Courier (Qld. : 1864 - 1933), 11 November, p. 10, viewed 1 February, 2016,
Name of Claimant.-Edwin James Gransden,
of South Brisbane, railway porter (subject to
the rights of the widower of testatrix).
Description and Situation of Land.-Allot-
ment 8 of section 27, town of Cleveland.
Estate Claimed to be Transmitted.-Fee
Particulars of Will or Otherwise.-Will dated
23rd October, 1914.
Date within wich Caveat may be Lodged.
17th December, 1918.

3 Feb 1898- Edwin J. Gransden Queensland Railway employee- Souther Division- Traffic Branch, Porter. Remuneration was 5 shillings per day. Vol 3 p989.

1899 'Classified Advertising.', The Brisbane Courier (Qld. : 1864 - 1933), 14 July, p. 8, viewed 1 February, 2016,
SPECIAL (JULY) LIST of Persons appearing lo be qualified to Vote at the Election of Members of Hie Legislative Assembly in
the year 1899 for the Electoral District of BRISBANE SOUTH. -
Objections to names on this List must be sent to the Electoral Registiar at Brisbane South and to the Persons objected to not later than the
18th day of July, 1899.
Dated this Seventh day of July, 1899. W.M. HARRIS
Electoral Registrar.
Gransden, Edwin James. Cambridge Street, West End, third house on right from Vulture Street.
Occupation Porter. Particulars of qualification- Residence. Date when claims received by Electoral Register- 4th July 1899.

High Standard of Pot Plants
Kelvin Grove Flower Show
The high standard of the pot planst exhibited at the monthly show of the Kelvin Grove Horticultural Society held in the Freemasons Hall, Kelvin Grove, last evening was highly commended by the judge. There was also a choice display of floral work. Awards-
Roses- Red E. J. Gransden
Three Iceland Poppies-2- E. J. Gransden
Violets-2- E. J. Gransden
Lupins -2- E. J. Gransden
Sweat Peas- Red- 2- E. J. Gransden
Sweat Peas- Blue- 2- E. J. Gransden

Fruit and Vegetables
Dish of mixed fruit E. J. Gransden
Eschallots- E. J. Gransden
Cauliflower- E. J. Gransden
The Courier Mail Brisbane
Wednesday 29 July 1936

Wednesday 25 November 1936
Cut Flowers.- Gladiolus: E. J. Gransden
Antirrhinums: E. J. Gransden
Marigold: E. J. Gransden

Fruit and vegetables- Tomatoes and papaw (sic): E. J. Gransden
The Courier Mail (Brisbane, Qld. :1933-1954)
Wednesday 25 November 1936

The Central Queensland Herald (Rockhampton, Qld, Thursday 13 October 1938
Probate Granted
Gransden, Edwin J., retired railway employee; July 4, 1938; Alice Tyrrell (wife of Ernest Tyrrell, engine driver) Herston and Leonard M. Stemp, Hemmant, solicitor; Realty and Personality, 923 pounds.

1938 'Family Notices.', The Telegraph (Brisbane, Qld. : 1872 - 1947), 5 July, p. 16 Edition: CITY FINAL LAST MINUTE NEWS, viewed 1 February, 2016,
GRANSDEN. '97 The Friends of the late Edwin James Gransden are invited, to attend his Funeral, to leave the Funeral Parlour, 45 Adelaide Street, City, This (Tuesday) Afternoon, at 2 o'clock, for the Crematorium. Mt. Thompson.
Funeral Directors.
GRANSDEN.'97 Loyal Prince George Lodge, M.U.I. O.O.F.: Officers and Members of above Lodge are invited to attend the Funeral of Brother Edwin James Gransden, to leave the Funeral Parlour, 45 Adelaide .Street, City. This (Tuesday) Afternoon, at 2 o'clock, for the Crematorium, Mt. Thompson.
By Order, N.G

1938 'Advertising.', The Courier-Mail (Brisbane, Qld. : 1933 - 1954), 6 August, p. 8 Section: Second Section., viewed 1 February, 2016,
late of Red Hill, Brisbane, in the State
of Queensland, Retired Railway Employee,
Notice is hereby given that after the ex-
piration of fourteen days from the date of
the publication hereof application will be
made to this Honourable Court that PRO-
BATE of the WILL of the abovenamed Edwin
James Gransden deceased may be granted to
ALICE TYRRELL of Herston Road Herston
Brisbane in the State of Queensland wife of
Ernest William Tyrrell of the same place
engine driver and Leonard Mervyn Stemp
of Hemmant Brisbane in the said State
Solicitor the Executors named in the said
will. Any person interested who desires to
object to the application or to be heard upon
it may file a Caveat in the Registry at any
time before the grant is made.
Dated this Third day of August, 1938.
W. H. BELL & STEMP, Solicitors for the
Executors, Inns of Court, Adelaide Street,

1938 'Advertising.', Worker (Brisbane, Qld. : 1890 - 1955), 11 October, p. 23, viewed 1 February, 2016,
Name of Deceased Proprietor.'97 Edwin
James Gransden, late of Red Hill, Brisbane.
Date of Death.'97 -4th July, 1938.
Name1 of Claimant. '97 Alice Tyrrell, of Her
ston Road, Brisbane, wife of Ernest William
Tyrrell, and Leonard Mervyn Stemp, of Hem-
mant, Brisbane, as Devisees in Trust.
Description and Situation of Land.'97 Sub-
division 53 of portion 566, county of- Stanley,
parish of Enoggera.
Estate Claimed to be Transmitted. '97 Fee-
Particulars of Will or Otherwise.'97 Will dated
1st March, 1937.
Date within which Caveat may be Lodged. '97
15th November, 1938.

1938 'Advertising.', The Telegraph (Brisbane, Qld. : 1872 - 1947), 6 August, p. 26 Edition: SPORTS FINAL, viewed 1 February, 2016,
Statutory notice to creditors.
Notice is hereby given that all Creditors
and other persons having claims against
the estate of the abovenamed deceased, late
of Speedy Street. Red Hill. Brisbane, in
the State of Queensland, Retired Railway
Employee, who died at Brisbane aforesaid
on the fourth day of July, 1838, are hereby
required to send their claims, in writing,
VYN STEMP, the executors of the Will of
the said deceased at the office of W H.
BELL & STEMP, at the address below, on
or before the Third day of September, 1938.
And that after the expiration of the last-
mentioned date the said Executors will
proceed to distribute the assets of the said
deceased amongst the parties entitled there
to, having regard only to the claims of
which they shall then have had notice.
Dated at Brisbane this third day of
August, 1938.
W. H. BELL & STEMP. Solicitors for the
Executors, Inns of Court, Adelaide Street,

bullet  Medical Notes:

Dr. D. B. Wherrett, last seen 4 July 1938


bullet  Noted events in his life were:

• Death Register: Edwin James Gransden, 4 Jul 1938, Brisbane Hospital, Brisbane, QLD, Australia. 820 Edwin James Gransden, Railway Employee
Male, 74 years
Cause of Death- Cerebral Haemorrhage
Medical Attendant- D. B. Wherrett, last saw deceased 4 July 1938
Parents details- Edwin Gransden, Carptenter and Rebecca Alprick
Information- A. Pye, General Medical Superintendent, Brisbane Hospital and by Leonard Mervyn Stemp, no relation, (Hemmant?)
Registrar signed 5 July 1938 Brisbane (Pursek?)
5 July 1938
Cremated at Brisbane Crematorium. G. B. Donau
Minister- A. D. Baker, Church of England, C. J. Stead and M. A. Howsan (witnesses of burial or cremation)
Born, Rockhampton, Queensland, native to Queensland
Married in Brisbane, Queensland, 28 years old to Catherine Wright.
No children


Edwin married Catherine Wright, daughter of Samuel Wright and Eliza Ann Jefford, on 4 Apr 1893 in Congregational Church, Brighton Road, South Brisbane, QLD, Australia.818 (Catherine Wright was born about 1870 in Acton, Middlesex, England,818 died on 14 Nov 1937 in Goodna Mental Hospital, Ellerton Drive & Wolston Park Road, Wacol QLD 4076 and was buried on 16 Nov 1937 in Cleveland Cemetary, Russell Street, QLD.)

bullet  Marriage Notes:

Edwin is noted as bachelor on his marriage certificate and Catherine as spinster.
Witnesses to marriage- Charles and Caroline Aulsebrook
Name of celebrant- W. Bradley
Registrar- C. J. Whitley, 26 May 1863, Brisbane

Edwin noted as Bacholor, Catherine Wright as Spinster
Edwin, birthplace noted as Crocodile Creek, Queensland. Catherine Wright birthplace noted as Acton, Middlesex, England.
Edwin occupation- Overseer, Catherine occupaion- Private Life
Age at time of marriage- Edwin 28, Catherine 23
Usual Residence, Edwin- Tartha, Moonie River, Catherine- Cambridge Street, West End
Parents name- Edwin- Edwin Gransden and Rebecca Allprick with father occupation noted as Carpenter.
Catherine's parents- Samuel Wrigh, occupation Draughtsman and Eliza Ann Jefford
Rites used- Congregational Church

GRANSDEN_WRIGHT.- On the 4th April at Brighton Road Congregational Church, by the Rev. William Bradley, Edwin James Gransden, adopted son of William Dockerill, of Tartha Station, Moonie River, to Catherine Wright, stepdaughter of Henry Beresford of West End.
The Queenslander (Brisbane, Qld. : 1866-1939) Saturdaythe 15th of April 1893.

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