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John Gransden
Sarah Wood
James Eloard Stone
Jane Collins
(Abt 1760-1812)
Robert Wood Gransden
Mary Anne Stone

Edwin Gransden


Family Links

1. Maria Baker
2. Rebekah Elphick

3. Unknown

Edwin Gransden

  • Born: 19 Nov 1827, Gosport Hampshire, England 320,321
  • Christened: 16 Mar 1828, Alverstoke, Hampshire, England 125
  • Marriage (1): Maria Baker on 30 Apr 1855 in St Phillips Church, Sydney, New South Wales, Australia 318
  • Marriage (2): Rebekah Elphick on 3 Dec 1861 in Mount Franklin House, Franklinford, Victoria, Australia 319
  • Marriage (3): Unknown in Engalnd
  • Died: 15 May 1870, Athelstane Range, Rockhampton at age 42 322
  • Buried: 16 May 1870, Rockhampton Cemetery, Rockhampton, QLD, Australia

bullet  General Notes:

Baptism Alverstoke, Southampton 1828
March 16. Edwin, son of Robert and Mary Ann Gransden. Gosport born 19th Nov 1827.
Robert- Painter
Ceremony performed by Henry Aubery Veck, Curate
Portsmouth, Hampshire, Baptisms
First name(s)Edwin
Last nameGransden
Birth year1827
Birth date19 Mar 1827
Baptism year1828
Baptism date16 Mar 1828
Baptism placeAlverstoke
DedicationSt Mary
Father's first name(s)Robert
Mother's first name(s)Mary Ann
Register typeBaptisms
Register year range1826-1834
Archive referenceCHU 42/1B/3
ArchivePortsmouth History Centre
Record setHampshire, Portsmouth Baptisms
CategoryLife Events (BDMs)
SubcategoryParish Baptisms
Collections fromEngland, United Kingdom

First name(s)Edwd
Last nameGrandson
Birth year-
Regiment / service number as transcribedSeaman 3210
Return year1846
Return monthOct-Dec
SeriesWo 22 - Royal Hospital Chelsea: Returns Of Payment Of Army And Other Pensions 1842-1883
ArchiveThe National Archives
Archive referenceWO 22
Piece number99
Piece descriptionSouthampton.
Year range1842-1852
Record setBritish Army Service Records
CategoryMilitary, armed forces & conflict
3210 Seaman 4/2 Edwd Grandson 3rd Dec date of admission for Pension 17 Nov 1846 Date on which Pension starts. Pension for Life

National Archives
ADM 38-8110 Description Book of HMS Firebrand 07 Sep 1844- 17 Jun 1848
No. 2 15 Sep 1844. Edwin Gransden B2C D. 26 June 1846
Invalided No. 148 S 2/3 to await passage to England AF 324 Character- Good
No. 148 2/3 indicates that in the Ship's Muster Book his name has been removed from the list of Boys 2nd Class and trensferred to the list of Supermumeraries on two thirds pay at entry 148.
Born Gosport, Town Gosport, County Hants, usual place of residence- Southampton, Age 19, feet 5, Inches 4 1/2 Complexion sallow, eyes grey, hair brown, marks on person- scald on breast.
Wounds or scars- none
Had the small- pox- yes
Single or married- single
Trade brought up in- blacksmith

Sa 14 September 1844
13 September 1844


The manning of the brigs forming the experimental squadron at Portsmouth proceeds very briskly; seamen are entering fast. The pendant was hoisted on the Waterwitch and Daring on Monday, and the latter entered her complement before sunset. These two brigs having the start, their commanders being on the spot, have entered some prime hands. The Daring might have entered many more than her complement on Monday, such was the avidity displayed to sail in her. This is looked upon as promising success in the trial cruise. The pendants of the Flying Fish and Firebrand seam frigate were hoisted on Tuesday, and the Osprey's was hoisted on Wednesday. The walls of Portsmouth and Portsea, and the windows of numerous public houses, now exhibit placards advertising for seamen for the squadron. Several of the recently entered riggers have been entered for the brigs. The Flying Fish entered half her complement on Tuesday. The Pantaloon, 10, did not exhibit her pendant until 12 o'clock on Wednesday; she has consequently not entered many hands. The complements of the vessels thus opportunely commissioned will be the Firebrand, 170; the Daring, Osprey, and Flying Fish, new class 12-gun brigs, 110 each; and the Pantaloon and Waterwitch, 10 guns each, 80.

The Daring, 12, Commander Matson, was removed on Tuesday from the basin to the Dryad receiving hulk down the harbour, as was also the Waterwitch, 10, Commander Thomas Francis Birch, alongside the Topaze receiving hulk.


The Mutine, new class 12-gun brig, was commissioned on Monday by Commander R.B. Crawford (1842) at Chatham.
The Espiegle, 12, experimental brig, was commissioned on Monday, at Chatham, by Commander T.P. Thompson (1841).
The Cruiser, 16, Commander E.G. Fanshawe (1841), was commissioned on Monday at Chatham.
The three experimental gun-brigs fitted at this port - the Mutine, Espiegle, and The Cruiser - and which were commissioned on the 10th inst., were ordered to sail on Monday nest, the 16th inst., for Portsmouth to join the other brigs which are to form the experimental squadron... The average crew of each ship at present consists of about 50 men. The full complement will be made up at Portsmouth.

Ma 16 September 1844

15 September 1844


There is one circumstance connected with the manning the experimental brigs at this port which is far from creditable to the officers commissioning them; it is this - at the bottom of one or two of the placards advertising for seamen and petty officers are these words, "None but the best need apply." Now, the "best" in this instance means the well clothed, well fed, and well looking fellow. We protest against such unmanly and unfeeling conduct as the above restriction exhibits on the part of the officers of the brigs referred to. If they have the common use of their eyesight, they cannot fail to have perceived that inconsequence of the shameful delay in commissioning the experimental squadron, hundreds of the "best" seamen have been in a starving condition; they have parted with their clothes and everything else convertible into money to enable them to subsist until the Admiralty thought proper to be awakened by the voice of public opinion from the stupor into which they had fallen, and the honest tars are now turned back and insulted with "None but the best need apply." We are glad, however, to observe, that the "best" officers have not the insulting sentence on their placards, and are entering fine men and good seamen much faster than the officers referred to. About the 20th it is expected the squadron will be ready for sea.

Ma 23 September 1844

22 September 1844


The experimental squadron is not yet ready for sea, although we expected it would have been by the 20th; but the truth of what we stated a few weeks ago is now proved - seamen are not so plentiful as supposed, and numbers, tired of waiting for the brigs to be commissioned, really have left the port for other places and employment. Tenders are daily arriving with hands from other ports, and vessels sent from this and other ports to convey seamen. This would not have been the case had the brigs been commissioned when ready, and hundreds of the finest and best hands would have been secured to the service. We stated last week that the Daring entered her complement, and could have entered many more on the day she hoisted her pendant. This has been seized upon (as we expected it would be), as corroboratory of the statements made in certain daily and weekly "sources of information" upon the present efficient state of our naval force. It is, in fact, however, corroborative of no such allegation, but merely proves this, that the Daring and Waterwitch, being the first of the squadron commissioned, had a rush made to enter for them, and the former having a very excellent commander and a very "winning" look, was manned, and to spare, before her sister had half her complement on her books, and before the other vessel of the squadron had entered a single hand.

Fr 27 September 1844
25 September 1844


The experimental squadron is not yet ready, not do we expect, from appearances this morning, thai it will be yet for several days. The brigs are still incomplete in many departments, and the umpire's vessel, the Firebrand, very backward in her equipment indeed. The Pantaloon is the only brig belonging to the squadron at this port which has bent sails.

Ma 30 September 1844
29 September 1844


The new experimental brigs are each to enter five more able seamen than their originally contemplated complement (110); these however, we believe, will be in lieu of 10 boys in each brig, who will be returned to the Victory.

Ma 21 October 1844
20 October 1844


The Firebrand, 8, steam-frigate, Captain Corry, and the brigs forming the experimental squadron, together with the St. Vincent, 120, the Caledonia, 120, and the Queen, 110, are expected to leave Spithead to-morrow, after the departure of Her Majesty and Prince Albert, on their cruise of exercise and experiment, it is reported, between the coast of Portugal and. the Western Islands. If the Albion, 90, Commodore Lockyer, should be fallen in with she will join the squadron; the whole under the command of Rear-Admiral W. Bowles, C.B., who hoisted his flag (blue at the mizen) yesterday morning on board the Caledonia, and saluted that of Admiral Sir Charles Rowley by 16 guns, which the St. Vincent replied to by 11 guns. This appointment, we believe, will not interfere with the retention of the seat of the gallant Rear-Admiral at the Admiralty Board. All captains and commanders on the half-pay list desirous of witnessing the experimental trial sailings may join either of the above three-deckers and be victualled on the ship's establishment for the cruise (two or three months) by Admiralty order.

National Archives
ADM 38-752 Muster Book of HMS Firebrand 01 Apr 1846-31 Dec 1846
No. 2 Date 15 Sept 1846 Sept 15, from former ship- Victory P.L.S. Born Gosport Hants. Age 19. From Victory 14 Sep 1844. Written as Edwd Gransden rather than Edwin Gransden. D.
26 Jun 1846 Invalided to No. 148 S 2/3rds to await passage to England A. F. 324
(This means he has been transferred to the list of Supernumeraries on 2/3rds pay at number 148. Don't know what AF 324 means)
Navy Slops including beds and marine necessaries- 4.2.5. Dead and Run Men's Effects 6/ Soap 4/8
Character- good
List of Supernumeraries at two thirds allowance
No. 148 27 June 1846, entry from June 27
Invalided from No. 12b Ships Company to await passage to England per order of Commander in Chief.
No 2 Boys 2nd Class Edwd Gransden
Rated- Boy 2nd Class

The Firebrands was at "Las Vacas" (a River in Guatamala) on 12 July 1846 and at Buenos Aires on 26 Jul 1846. The date given for Edwin's discharge earlier (20 Jul 1846) is probably the date he was officially removed from the ship's company rather than the date he disembarked from the Firebrand. It seems likely he had been dropped off in Montevideo and then taken on board the Gorgon there.

National Archives
ADM 38-752 Muster Book of HMS Firebrand 1st Jul 1846-30 Sep 1846
148 27 June B. 2 ?(l)? No. 2 (this would normally say where he had originated. It looks like it may be saying that this is his second postion)
Invalided, waiting a passage to England
Edwd Gransden B. 26- 20 July 1846 "Gorgon" for passage to England, invalided. Five other people were also invalided and sent back with him on the Gorgon

National Archives ADM 38-750
Muster Book of Her Majesty's Ship Firebrand 7th September to 20th October 1844
September 1844 Portsmouth Cat Anderson Complement 175 allowed, 126 bourne
82 borne 82 Mustered none chequed or sick
Boys 19 Bourne, 19 Mustered (Edwin will have been one of these he joined the ship at this stage)
Boys Second Class Boy no. 2 Entry 15th Sept 1844. Appearance Sept 1844 from Victory PPL, came from Gosport Hants, 19 yo From Victory 14 Sept 1844 Edwd Gransden. Qualities B2C (Boy Second Class)
Came on board from the Victory with a number of other boys who had all been on the Victory and were all Boys Second Class, names include;
Thomas Joyce (17)
Benjm Lock (18)
Chas Wright (15)- from Southsea Hants
Jno Bartlett (19) Fratton Hants
Ormd J De Vignoles (18) Portsea Hants
Geo Edwards Forton Hants (18)
Geo Merritt Fuhead Hants (18)
Wm Bazell Portsea Hants (17)
and others. Given the list has so many people from Hampshire on it it is possible that Edwin knew some of these before they joined up. It is certain that these would have been the people he associated with most on board ship.
Received two months pay in advance 1.5.6 Mustered 17 Sept from Victory. No of days borne- 16

National Archives ADM 38-750
Muster Book of Her Majesty's Ship Firebrand 1 April to 30th June 1845
At Rio de Janeiro April 1845
There are 28 boys on the ship at this stage, another 25 marines and a total complement of 118
Capt Hope in charge
By the 18th they are Buones Ayres
29 at Monte Video
No Will or Power of Attorney noted, no certificate of Gunnery
No. 2 15 Sept 1844 Appared Sept 1844 15, from the Victory, Born- Gosport Hants. Age when entered ship- 19, came from the Victory on the 14 Sept 1844 Edwd Gransden
Charges and deductions- Navy Slps including beds and waxed wrappers 3.8.7 Soap 1/4 Two months advance 1.5.6
Navy records show Edwin on the Firebrand and Gorgon. Gorgon, probably just to be transferred back to England after he had an accident. His service was mainly on the Firebrand. . Tells the story of a little remembered conflict in which France and Britain cooperated (unusually) to oppose rebels in what is now Uruguay. The Firebrand and Gorgon were in the thick of it, and no doubt Edwin was one of the crew members of the Firebrand who were wounded, as described there, and he was subsequently evacuated home on board the Gorgon.
Courtesy of Peter Clifford Forefathers Research

National Archives
ADM 38-8197
Muster Book of Her Majesty's Ship Gorgon
S.S 2/3 (Supernumeries on two thirds pay)
No. 80 Entry 7 June 1846 Appearance July 21 1846 From the Firebrand Edwn Granden B2C D (Boy 2nd Class, Discharged). The column says D., DD., of R. (D=Discharged, DD= Discharged Dead, R = Run/ deserted)
Time 16 Nov Year 1846, destined from St Vincents- (probably means the R. N ship of that name. However, he does not seem to have served on the St Vincent, it appears that instead he returned to England on the Gorgon. It may well have been that St Vincents was his next destination and by the time he arrived in England he was either discharged or decided to leave, probably discharged as he received a pension)

Gorgon was on the Panama River on 15th Jun 1846 and at Montevideo on 30 Jun 1846. It seems likely that Edwin transferred from the Firebrand to the Gorgon at Montevideo. The Gorgon stayed at Montevideo until 5th September when they were at sea, later that month at Bahia for a couple of days before leaving back out to sea in early October. The Gorgon arrived in Woolwich at the end of November.

British Royal Navy & Royal Marines service and Pension Records, 1704-1919
Edward Gransden Pension 4/12 for life
First name(s)Edward
Last nameGransden
Year appointed or Pension granted1846
SeriesADM 6
Series/PieceADM 6/307
Series descriptionGreenwich Hospital out-pensioner candidate registers 1737-1859
Piece descriptionRegister of applicants to Greenwich Hospital for admission, out-pensions or other relief
Year range1846
ArchiveThe National Archives
CountryUnited Kingdom
Record setBritish Royal Navy & Royal Marines Service And Pension Records, 1704-1919
CategoryMilitary, armed forces & conflict
SubcategoryService Records
Fin My Past

Edwd Gransden transfered to Newcastle 31 March, pension for life
First name(s)Edwd
Last nameGransden
Birth year-
Regiment / service number as transcribed3210
Pension year1846
Return year1850
Return monthJun
SeriesWo 22 - Royal Hospital Chelsea: Returns Of Payment Of Army And Other Pensions 1842-1883
ArchiveThe National Archives
Archive referenceWO 22
Piece number99
Piece descriptionSouthampton.
Year range1842-1852
Record setBritish Army Service Records
CategoryMilitary, armed forces & conflict
SubcategoryService Records
Find My Past

Name:Edwards Gransden
Birth Date:abt 1827
Age at Start of Service:16
First Service Date:21 Jul 1843
First Ship Served On:Victory
Last Service Date:16 Nov 1846
Last Ship Served On:Gorgon
Record Type:Entry Books of Certificates
Date Range:1846 May - 1847 Jan
Victory 16 1/2yo 21st July 43 Boy/ Man 14 Sep 44
Firebrand 19 yo 15 Sep- 44 - 26 June 46 Injured
Gorgon on passage 27 June 46- 16 Nov 46 arrival
Admiralty 2 Dec 46 UK, Naval Officer and Rating Service Records, 1802-1919 [database on-line]. Provo, UT, USA: Operations, Inc., 2014.

Edwn Gransden 4/2 3210 Melbourne crossed out and replaced with (?frm h)? 89 Sydney
Coumns going from 1863- 1870, quarters March, June, Sept and Dec with payment amounts. 1870 first quarter only 469
First name(s)Edwd
Last nameGransden
Birth year-
Regiment / service number as transcribed3210
SeriesWo 22 - Royal Hospital Chelsea: Returns Of Payment Of Army And Other Pensions 1842-1883
ArchiveThe National Archives
Archive referenceWO 22
Piece number259
Piece descriptionConsuls.
Year range1854-1862
Record setBritish Army Service Records
CategoryMilitary, armed forces & conflict
SubcategoryService Records
Find My Past

Gransden Edwn crossed out
First name(s)Edwd
Last nameGransden
Birth year-
Regiment / service number as transcribed3210
SeriesWo 22 - Royal Hospital Chelsea: Returns Of Payment Of Army And Other Pensions 1842-1883
ArchiveThe National Archives
Archive referenceWO 22
Piece number257
Piece descriptionColonies, Miscellaneous, Mercantile and Admiralty.
Year range1871-1875
Record setBritish Army Service Records
CategoryMilitary, armed forces & conflict
Find My Past

3210 4/2 3/12/46 Seaman Edwin Gransden transfered from Southampton 31/5/50 permanent pension
First name(s)Edwin
Last nameGransden
Birth year-
Regiment / service number as transcribed3210
Pension year1846
Return year1850
Return monthJun
SeriesWo 22 - Royal Hospital Chelsea: Returns Of Payment Of Army And Other Pensions 1842-1883
ArchiveThe National Archives
Archive referenceWO 22
Piece number72
Piece descriptionNewcastle.
Year range1842-1852
Record setBritish Army Service Records
CategoryMilitary, armed forces & conflict
Find My Past

Register Ticket 343 252
Last name: Gransden
Merchant Navy Seamen 1835-1941
First names: Edwin
Age: Day of birth: 23 Month of birth: 11 Year of birth: 1825
Place of birth: GOSPORT
County/country of birth: HAMPSHIRE
Card type:
Discharge number:
Identity certificate no.:
Series: BT113
Date range: 1845-1854

Piece number: 172
No of 343,252- Registration Ticket
Age when ticketed 21
Can write- yes
Capacity- seaman.
Height- 5 feet 6 inches, hair- brown, complexion- florid, eyes- hazel, marks- two ink marks, left hand, first went to sea as a boy in the year 1843.
Has served in the Royal Navy 3/2 years.
Has been in Foreign Service- No
When unemployed resides at Southampton.
Issued at Southampton 4th day of Jan 1847.

Edwin Gransden Merchant Seaman Records: Edwin Gransden, birthplace Gosport, Hampshire
Date range1845-1854
Piece number9
Record setMerchant Navy Seamen
CategoryEducation & work
SubcategoryMerchant navy & maritime
Collections fromGreat Britain

Muster Book of Her Majesty's Ship Firebrand Commencing 7th September Ending 20th Oct 1844
ADM 38-750 Muster Book of HMS Firebrand 07 Sep 1844- 30 Jun 1845 (National Archives)
Firebrand was at Portsmouth in Sep 1844. Edwin joined the ship then.
No. 2 Entry 15. Year 1844. Appearance Sept. 15. From the Victory (probably training) From Gosport Hants. Age when entered this ship 19. Received from the Victory 14 Sep 1844. Name: Edwin Gransden. Qualities 1826.
Mustered Sep 17. 15 Victory. No of days 16
Muster Book of Her Majesty's Ship Firebrand Commencing 1 April Ending 30 June 1845
Rio de Janeiro April 1845 171 people on board including ships company, boys and marines and one Man?
18th April Buenas Aires
29th April Mote Vides
No. 2 Entry 15. Year 1844. Appearance Sept. 15. From the Victory (probably training) From Gosport Hants. Age when entered this ship 19. Received from the Victory 14 Sep 1844. Name: Edwin Gransden. Qualities 1826.
Navy Slops including Beds? and Waxed Wrappers 8.8y Soap 1/4 Two Months Advance 1.5.6 No of Days bourne 91.

According to Maria Gransden nee Bakers death certificate Edwin Gransden was married in England before he came to Australia.

Name:Edwin Gransden
Estimated birth year:abt 1826
Where born:Hampshire, England
Civil Parish:All Saints
Hundred:Southampton Town
Street address: East Street Southampton
Occupation: Painter
Registration district:Southampton
Sub-registration district:Southampton
Neighbors:View others on page
Page Number:11
Household Members:
Robert Gransden54
Mary Gransden 50
George Gransden21
James Gransden18
Edwin Gransden 15
Emma Gransden16
Class: HO107; Piece: 416; Book: 3; Civil Parish: All Saints; County: Hampshire; Enumeration District: 28; Folio: 32; Page: 11; Line: 9; GSU roll: 288813
Source Information 1841 England Census [database on-line]. Provo, UT, USA: Operations, Inc, 2010.

First name(s)Edwin
Last nameGransden
Birth year-
Regiment / service number as transcribed3210
Pension year1846
Return year1854
Return monthJan
SeriesWo 22 - Royal Hospital Chelsea: Returns Of Payment Of Army And Other Pensions 1842-1883
ArchiveThe National Archives
Archive referenceWO 22
Piece number100
Piece descriptionSouthampton.
Year range1852-1862
Record setBritish Army Service Records
CategoryMilitary Service & Conflict
SubcategoryService Records
Collections fromUnited Kingdom
Rate of pension £4.12, Date of Admission to Out payment 3rd Dec 1846. District from which Transferred- Newcastle. Date to which pensioner was paid previous to transference. 31 Dec 1853. Permanent Pension.
Find My Past. British Army Service Records WO 22 & WO 23 Transcription (Accessed 20 Feb 2017)

First name(s)Edwin
Last nameGransden
Birth year-
Regiment / service number as transcribed3210
Pension year1846
Return year1854
Return monthOct
SeriesWo 22 - Royal Hospital Chelsea: Returns Of Payment Of Army And Other Pensions 1842-1883
ArchiveThe National Archives
Archive referenceWO 22
Piece number100
Piece descriptionSouthampton.
Year range1852-1862
Record setBritish Army Service Records
CategoryMilitary Service & Conflict
SubcategoryService Records
Collections fromUnited Kingdom
Rate of Pensions £4 12s. Date of Admission to Out- Pension 3rd Dec 1846. District to which transferred- East London. Date to which Pensioner was paid previous to transferred 30th June 1854. Permanent Pension.
Find My Past. British Army Service Records WO 22 & WO 23 (Accessed 20 Feb 2017)

First name(s)Edwin
Last nameGransden
Birth year-
Regiment / service number as transcribed3210
Pension year1846
Return year1850
Return monthJun
SeriesWo 22 - Royal Hospital Chelsea: Returns Of Payment Of Army And Other Pensions 1842-1883
ArchiveThe National Archives
Archive referenceWO 22
Piece number72
Piece descriptionNewcastle.
Year range1842-1852
Record setBritish Army Service Records
CategoryMilitary Service & Conflict
SubcategoryService Records
Collections fromUnited Kingdom
Rate of Pensions £4 12s. Date of admission to Out Pension 3/12/1846
District from which Transferred- Southampton
Date to which pension was paid previous to transference 31/3/1850
Pension is permanent.
Find My Past. British Army Service Records WO 22 & WO 23 Transcription (Accessed 20 Feb 2017)

First name(s)Edwin
Last nameGransden
Birth year-
Regiment / service number as transcribed3210
Pension year1846
Return year1854
Return monthJan
SeriesWo 22 - Royal Hospital Chelsea: Returns Of Payment Of Army And Other Pensions 1842-1883
ArchiveThe National Archives
Archive referenceWO 22
Piece number100
Piece descriptionSouthampton.
Year range1852-1862
Record setBritish Army Service Records
CategoryMilitary Service & Conflict
SubcategoryService Records
Collections fromUnited Kingdom
Rate of pension £4.12, Date of Admission to Out payment 3rd Dec 1846. District from which Transferred- Newcastle. Date to which pensioner was paid previous to transference. 31 Dec 1853. Permanent Pension.
Find My Past. British Army Service Records WO 22 & WO 23 Transcription (Accessed 20 Feb 2017

First name(s)Edwin
Last nameGransden
Birth year-

Regiment / service number as transcribed3210
Pension year1846
Return year1854
Return monthFeb
SeriesWo 22 - Royal Hospital Chelsea: Returns Of Payment Of Army And Other Pensions 1842-1883
ArchiveThe National Archives
Archive referenceWO 22
Piece number73
Piece descriptionNewcastle.
Year range1852-1862
Record setBritish Army Service Records
CategoryMilitary Service & Conflict
SubcategoryService Records
Collections fromUnited Kingdom
Rate of Pensions £4 12s. Date of Admission to Out- Pension 3rd Dec 1846. Rank- Seaman. District to which Transferred- Southampton. Sate to which Pensioner was paid prior to transfer 31 Dec 1853, permanent pension.

First name(s)Edwin
Last nameGransden
Birth year-
Regiment / service number as transcribed3210
Pension year1846
Return year1854
Return monthOct
SeriesWo 22 - Royal Hospital Chelsea: Returns Of Payment Of Army And Other Pensions 1842-1883
ArchiveThe National Archives
Archive referenceWO 22
Piece number52
Piece descriptionLondon 2nd East.
Year range1852-1862
Record setBritish Army Service Records
CategoryMilitary Service & Conflict
SubcategoryService Records
Collections fromUnited Kingdom
As above. District from which transferred- Southampton. Date to which pension was previously paid. 30th June 1854. (Accessed 20 Feb 2017)

First name(s)Edwin
Last nameGransden
Birth year-
Regiment / service number as transcribed3210
Pension year1846
Return year1854
Return monthDec
SeriesWo 22 - Royal Hospital Chelsea: Returns Of Payment Of Army And Other Pensions 1842-1883
ArchiveThe National Archives
Archive referenceWO 22
Piece number52
Piece descriptionLondon 2nd East.
Year range1852-1862
Record setBritish Army Service Records
CategoryMilitary Service & Conflict
SubcategoryService Records
Collections fromUnited Kingdom
As above. This time being transferred to Melbourne Australia. Last time pension had been paid was 30th Sept 1854. (Accessed 20 Feb 2017)

Edwin Gransden
First name(s)Edwin
Last nameGransden
Birth year-
Regiment / service number as transcribed3210
SeriesWo 22 - Royal Hospital Chelsea: Returns Of Payment Of Army And Other Pensions 1842-1883
ArchiveThe National Archives
Archive referenceWO 22
Piece number259
Piece descriptionConsuls.
Year range1854-1862
Record setBritish Army Service Records
CategoryMilitary Service & Conflict
SubcategoryService Records
Collections fromUnited Kingdom
Edwin Gransden, Pension 3 Dec 1846. Rate of Pay £4 12. No 3210. Regular payment every every quarter from Dec 1854 to Dec 1862. Transferred from 2 East London. Paid to 30 Sept 1854. Melbourne. (Accessed 20 Feb 2017)

1851 census shows Edwin in Hartlepool staying as a visitor in the house of Ellen Sly or Fly 33, with her son Thomas 9, and cousin Martha Wilkinson 16.

Arrived in Australia 12 April 1855, Age-28 On the Washington Irving, as part of the crew.Washington Irving of LONDON, ISAAC DURRANT, MASTER, BURTHEN 882 TONS

Master: Captain J. Purrant (I. Durrant?)
Rigging: Ship; sheathed in felt and yellow metal in 1857
Tonnage: 776 tons
Construction: 1845 in the United States; some repairs in 1857
Owners: T. Edrige
Port of registry: London
Port of survey: London
Voyage: sailed for Australia (Accessed 6th May 2016)

Official number for Washington Irving 4626 (accessed 6th May 2016)

Reel 401. Seamen from Great Britain. Name noted as Edwin Gransdin

1858 'Advertising.', Mount Alexander Mail (Vic. : 1854 - 1917), 5 March, p. 1, viewed 1 February, 2016,
WANTED a Partner- The advertiser being about putting up a Puddling Machine, wishes to join another as mates in the concern. Any party having a small capital, and wishing to join, may hear
of further particulars by addressing a letter to Mr. E. Gransden, at Mr. Parker's Mount Franklin, Hepburn.
302 cf

1858 'Advertising.', Mount Alexander Mail (Vic. : 1854 - 1917), 26 July, p. 3, viewed 1 February, 2016,
STRAYED from Mr. Parker's run Mount Franklin, about the 5th July, a dark iron-grey mare pony, long switch tail, branded B (in circle) near shoulder. The above reward will he paid by bringing the above to E. Gransden, .Mount Franklin, 455e

Marriage Cert to Rebekah,1861 states occupation as Carpenter
Fathers name on marriage certificate is Robert Gransden- occupation plumber and bricklayer
Mothers name on marriage cert is Mary Ann Gransden, maiden name Stone.

1861 'Advertising.', Mount Alexander Mail (Vic. : 1854 - 1917), 13 May, p. 3, viewed 31 January, 2016, (Accessed 31/01/2016)
Stolen or strayed from Mount Franklin, two working bullocks, one brindle staggy horns, heart upside
side down on the rump, one brown sided bald face and white back, drooping cock horns C brand near side. The above reward will be paid on recovery if strayed, and five pounds if stolen, on conviction.
869 893; - Mount Franklin.

Silas Gransden age 36, Edwin Gransden age 33. No mention of Rebekah Gransden, however she must have been either on that ship or close behind as their first child was born in Rockhampton on the 31st of January 1863. No women mentioned in the ships list. Edwin and Silas were both down as crew "A. B."
(Note the ages are inconsistent with baptisimal records which suggest that it is Edwin who is the elder not Silas).

1863 Edwins occupation- noted on Edwin James death certificate is carpenter- Rockhampton.

Empire Sydney, NSW : Tuesday 20 February 1866
Robert and Edwin Gransden, or anywone knowing their whereabouts; last known at Bathurst,- their brother would like to see them or hear from them. Address- S. Gransden, Mrs Taylor's Boarding-house, Margaret St, Sydney.

1868 Edwin Gransden is noted in the 1868 Crocodile Creek Post Office Directory as the Post Office Store Keeper.

Edwins occupation was noted as Carpenter on Edwin James's marriage certificate in 1893

Item ID1960114
Previous System LocationSRS1215/1/35; 606973
Parent Item
This item does not have a parent item.
Transfer ID1423
Record TypeLegal agreements
Item FormatFiles
DescriptionALLEN, William (Vendor) and GRANSDEN, Edwin (Purchaser)
Departmental Numbers2346
Preferred CitationQueensland State Archives Item ID1960114, Legal agreements
Start Date9/3/1864
End Date14/3/1864
Date Statement
Date Notes
Series ID: 1215
Memoranda of Conveyancing

Notification in the Northern Argus and the Bulletin of Rockhampton in early August 1866, "of a petition for a Post Office at Crocodile Creek or "Boulderton", was signed by two hundred and sixty diggers." The petitioners suggested that Mr. Evan Barker of the "Ballarat" store be appointed as "Post-master". They nominated his store, which was next to the "Victoria Hotel" (licensee Ben Hamilton) to be the most central site. This petition was only successful in getting a postal service once a week to the vicinity, and it was the store of Mr. Edward Granston (sic) at Crocodile Creek that become the Post office on the 10th of August 1866. Postal services started on the 9th of October 1866. Mr Grandson's (sic) "store" was a Library and newsvendor's establishment. "Mr Grandson (sic) comes to town three times a week, and carries passenegers at a reasonable rate." Mr. Grandston (sic) held this position until 1869 when Mrs. Haydon took over. Mr James Campbell got the appointment in 1872 when he became the Headmaster of the school.
Pugh's Alamanc
Palmer-Gard, S. R. Crocodile Creek History, Kabra Queensland

Item ID2324167
Previous System LocationSRS1215/1/107; 607045
Parent Item
This item does not have a parent item.
Transfer ID1423
Record TypeLegal agreements
Item FormatFiles
DescriptionBELLAS, Thomas (Vendor) and GRANSDEN, Edwin (Purchaser)
Departmental Numbers16328
Preferred CitationQueensland State Archives Item ID2324167, Legal agreements
Start Date12/11/1867
End Date14/12/1867
Date Statement
Date Notes
Series ID: 1215
Memoranda of Conveyancing

1867 'Advertising.', Rockhampton Bulletin and Central Queensland Advertiser (Qld. : 1861 - 1871), 10 September, p. 3, viewed 31 January, 2016,
THE following persons, now residents in Rockhampton, are qualified to Vote for the Return of a Member for The Port Curtis Electorate in the Legislative Assembly. Thc Poll will commence at Nine
o'clook This Morning, at the Municipal Chambers, Belsover-street, and close at Four p.m. :
Gransden, Edwin (among others)
Voting was not compulsory, and only males over the age of 21 years were eligible if they "satisfied certain ...... qualifications" or (until 1867 in Goldfield Electoral Districts) "held a miner's right or license for 6 months). However, "persons in Naval or Military service or in the Police Force, as well as Clerks of Petty Sessions and paid Police Magistrates were ineligible to vote". (quoted from Queensland State Archives brief guide to the use of State Electoral Rolls).

1867 'Advertising.', Rockhampton Bulletin and Central Queensland Advertiser (Qld. : 1861 - 1871), 25 April, p. 3, viewed 31 January, 2016,
TWO ALLOTMENTS of GROUND on Athelstane Range, formerly known as Ward's Paddock. Splendid Residence Sites. One Allotment, containing two acres of very superior land, with a good supply of water; also, One and a-half acre Allotment, corner of the block.
For particulars, inquire of
Crocodile Creek

1868 Post Office Directory (Meyer) Queensland
Crocodile Creek
Gransden, Edwin. Post Office Store Australia, City Directories, 1845-1948 [database on-line]. Provo, UT, USA: Operations, Inc., 2015.

1868 'GUARTE MACHINERY ON [?].', The Australasian (Melbourne, Vic. : 1864 - 1946), 7 March, p. 21, viewed 1 February, 2016,
To the Editor of the Australasian
Sir,- Will you allow me, through the medium of your valuable paper, to state a few facts, by which owners of unoccupied crushing machines and ourselves may be mutually benefited? In the first place we have
six distinct quartz reefs, viz., the Hector reef, eleven claims working, and, about 1,600 tons now on grass; the Canadian, five claims working, and about 600 tons now oh grass; the Anglo-Saxon Reef, prospecting
claim only, about sixty tons now on grass; James White, prospecting claim only, about forty tons now on grass;: William White, prospecting claim only, aoout seventy tons now on grass; .and the Frenchman's Reef, five claims now working, and about 300 tons now on grass.
Now, with all these. reefs lying within fifteen miles of Rockhampton, one would think that the inhabitants would have formed a company to erect machinery and to crush at a reasonable profit. But not so. In the
month of November last, several of our reefers met a party of townsmen by appointment; to hear terms proposed for a machine, ; to crush on the first of this month, at 30s. per ton and a bonus of eight per cent; and as the majority of the men could not help themselves, they agreed to. those terms. Now, the company will, not be able to commence ;within three weeks from this date, and have thus broken their, agreement, put as an equivalent for their, bonus they are going to charge £3 per ton for crushing. Any party with a machine lying idle would do well to pay a visit to this locality. He would pronounce it a second arrengower, and satisfy himself that it will pay handsomely to shift his machine here; for with a reasonable price for crushing it is my opinion that 500 tons of stone will be raised in this district weekly.
Hoping you will excuse the length of this letter,
I remain, yours respectfully,
E. GRANSDEN, Postmaster.
Crocodile Creek, Feb. 11
1868 'PETTY DEBTS COURT.', Rockhampton Bulletin and Central Queensland Advertiser (Qld. : 1861 - 1871), 3 December, p. 2, viewed 31 January, 2016,
D. T. Mulligan v E. Gransden, goods sold, £23 18s. 7d., costs 19s.

1869 'Advertising.', Rockhampton Bulletin and Central Queensland Advertiser (Qld. : 1861 - 1871), 15 June, p. 4, viewed 31 January, 2016,
COPIES of the above, in Pamphlet
Form, can be obtained from Mr. E. GRANSDEN, Bouldertown and at the BULLETIN Office.

Northern Argus (Rockhampton, Qld. : 1865 - 1874) Wednesday 23 December 1868
I, EDWIN GRANSDEN, now residing at Crocodile Creek, in the District of Rockhampton, do hcreby give
notice that it is my intention to apply at the next Court of Petty Sessions, to be holden for this district
on the 12th day of January, 1869, for a Publican's License for the sale of Fermented and Spirituous
Liquors, in the house and appurtenances thereunto belonging a situated '3 miles from Crocodile Creek.
The house contains 2 bed-rooms and 2 sitting-rooms, exulusive of those required for the family. The Sign
is to be
and which I intend to keep as an Inn or Public-house I am married, and have a wife and 2 children.
Given under my hand this 18th day of December, one thousand eight hundred and sixty-eight-.
EDWIN GRANSDEN. (Accessed 31/01/2016)

Rockhampton Bulletin and Central Queensland Advertiser Tuesday 22 December 1868

To the Worshipful the Justices of the Peace, acting in and for the District of Rockhampton, in the
colony of Queensland.
I, EDWIN GRANSDEN, now residing at Crocodile Creek, in the district of Rockhampton, do hereby give notice that it is my intention to apply at the next Petty Sessions to be holden for this district on the 12th day of January, 1869, for a publican's license for the sale of fermented and spirituous liquors in the house and Appurtenances thereunto belonging, situated at three miles from Crocodile Creek. The house contains two bed-rooms, and two sitting-rooms, exclusive of those required for the family. The sign is to be the
and which I intend to keep as an Inn or Public-house. I am married, having a wife and two children.
Given under my hand this eighteenth day of December, One Thousand Eight Hundred and Sixty-eight.
1868 'Advertising.', Rockhampton Bulletin and Central Queensland Advertiser (Qld. : 1861 - 1871), 22 December, p. 1, viewed 31 January, 2016,

1867 'Advertising.', Rockhampton Bulletin and Central Queensland Advertiser (Qld. : 1861 - 1871), 19 January, p. 1, viewed 31 January, 2016,
FOR the convenience of the Diggers at Crocodile Creek, an agent of the above Bank will purchase Gold at the office, next to E Gransden's Store, every SATURDAY, from llam. till 9 p m. _
Manager Bank of N. S. Wales, Rockhampton.

1869 'Advertising.', Rockhampton Bulletin and Central Queensland Advertiser (Qld. : 1861 - 1871), 14 September, p. 1, viewed 1 February, 2016,
Those Premises lately erected at thc THREE - MILE, CROCODILE ROAD, And within 200 yards of Gannon's Crushing Machine, and known as THE REEFERS' HOTEL.
THIS, a FIRST-CLASS OPENING for any person with a small capital to go in the Public line, with the certainty of realising a good income. The Reefs in the district are only in their infancy yet, fresh Reefs are constantly opening ; what are at work are realising good dividends. To a carrier, this property would be highly advantageous, as there is good feed for horses all the year round, end work in carting quartz, and stores from Rockhampton.
The reason this Property is placed in the market, is in consequence of a death in the family, and the proprietor entering into other pursuits. Should this Property not be disposed of privately, it will be submitted to public competition on Tuesday, the 28th of September.
For further particulars, inquire on the premises.

1869 'Advertising.', Rockhampton Bulletin and Central Queensland Advertiser (Qld. : 1861 - 1871), 28 September, p. 3, viewed 31 January, 2016,
WORMALD invites attention to the above sale, (particulars of which are afforded in another dvertisement.)
A Four-Horse Coach will Start from his Office to convey intending buyers to the place of Sale-Free of Cost.
He ventures to suggest that the pleasant drive to and fro, will be an acceptable recreation, particularly as a LUNCHEON will await the passengers at the usual hour.
Irrespective of this, the sale itself is worth consideration, especially the HOTEL, which offers a means of securing a very comfortable living to an active person. Tuesday, 28th September, 1869

Commencing at Eleven o'clock, That recently formed property, situated at the Three-Mile Creek, Crocodile Road, and favourably known es the Reefers' Arms Hotel. The main building-40 by 16 feet, contains
five rooms, with a detached kitchen and servants' room ; also, a store-room 18 by 25 feet, together with a atable and other useful out-offices-the whole securely fenced in. There will also be sold the whole of the
Tables, sofas,'arm-chairs, side-tables, chairs, forms, lamps, desk, washstands sets, cedar console, dressing tables, double and single iron bedsteads, &C., palliasses, dressing glasses, &c., &c. ; also, a BAGATELLE TABLE (complete.) Microscope, repeater, duelling-pistols, guns double-barrelled, rifle, gold scales, clock,
pestle and mortar, and other useful articles.
A counter, filter, dripstone, drainer, decanters, pewters, lamp, time-keeper, glassware, steel quoits, thermometers, and various requisites, including cooking utensils, and a lot of jumpers and crow bars, and an assortment of Fowls, ducks, coop and chickens, &c., &c, &c.
And lastly A lot of General Store Goods.
M. WORMALD is favoured with .instructions from Mr. E. Gransden, to sell by auction on THIS DAY (TUESDAY), 28th instant, commencing at ll o'clock All those Buildings situate at the Three-mile Creek, Crocodile Road, end well-known as the REEFERS' ARMS HOTEL. Together with the Furniture and Effects as described above, including
Bagatelle Table
Store Goods
Poultry, &c,
All for positive Sale to the Highest Bidder.
Terms at Sale.
N.B. The position of this property is a very central one, and certainly well situate for an Hotel, which under the management of an enterprising men would be sure to receive a large amount of support, not only from the daily traffic on the road, but also from those engaged in working the several reefs in its vicinity. As those reefs have given undoubted proof of their richness, and as their working is as yet merely in its early stage, it is only fair to anticípate that with their development, a proportionate share of the benefits will be derivable by the possessor of this House, for remunerative returns are now received from the business.
A four-horse coach will leave the Auctioneers' office at half-past 9 a.m., conducting intending purchasers to and fro, free of charge.
Luncheon will be provided.

1869 'Advertising.', Rockhampton Bulletin and Central Queensland Advertiser (Qld. : 1861 - 1871), 24 June, p. 3, viewed 31 January, 2016,
For SALE-Two Staunch Draught Horses, Two Sets of Harness and a strong Spring Cart. The horses have been working together for the last eighteen months, between town and Crocodile, in and out the same day, carrying from a ton to twenty-six hundredweight. Price-(£50) fifty pounds. A satisfactory trial given. Enquire of
E. GRANSDEN, Reefers' Hotel,
Crocodile Road.

1869 'Advertising.', Rockhampton Bulletin and Central Queensland Advertiser (Qld. : 1861 - 1871), 22 May, p. 3, viewed 31 January, 2016,
AMOUNTS Received towards supplementing the Reward for the discovery of tho Murderors of the late PATRICK HALLIGAN.
E. Gransden down as having contributed 10 pounds

Death Certificate
Occupation noted as Carpenter, male 50 years
Cause of death- Remitted Fever, Medical Attendant- William Callaghan, Last Seen- 14th May 1870.
Parents- Robert Gransden (carpenter) and Mary Stone
Signature and resdiecne of Informant- William Callaghan. Surgeon- Port Curtis and Leichardt District Hospital Rockhampton.
Registered 18th May 1870
Buried Rockhampton Cemetery. R. G. Tucker 16th May 1870
Minister/ Witnesses Edwared Sawyer? Clerk. W. H. Smith and William Abbott.
Born Gosport, in Australia for 18 years.
Deceased married- Brazil, South America, married at 28 years, wife- Rebecca Alfleck.
Children- Robert Edwin- 6 years, Ellen- 4 years, dead 1 male.

1867 'The Rockhampton Bulletin AND CENTRAL QUEENSLAND ADVERTISER.', Rockhampton Bulletin and Central Queensland Advertiser (Qld. : 1861 - 1871), 12 January, p. 2, viewed 1 February, 2016,

THE hearing of the charges preferred against the ten men in custody for being concerned in the "roll-up" against the Chinese which took place at Boulder town in the early part of the week, commenced on Thursday before the POLICE MAGISTRATE and the GOLD COMMISIONER ; and from the little progress as yet made, it appears likely that the time of the Police Court will be occupied with these cases for several days. We have no proof us yet of the guilt of the men apprehended, but abundant evidence that the" roll-up" was a cowardly attack by a number of European black-guards upon an unoffending people, whose conduct contrasted favourably with that of their persecutors ; and that, with some honourable exceptions, the Europeans attracted to the scene of disturbance, stood by as passive spectators. We are unwilling to stigmatise these lookers-on as sympathisers with and approvers of the proceedings, or as mean-spirited fellows afraid to oppose their rowdy brethren ; but their inaction has a bad look about it, and we hope that
should their mettle again be put to the proof, they will acquit themselves more worthily than they did at the first surprise.
We have heard it said in defence of the conduct of the Europeans, that the Chinese were the aggressors. The Europeans having jumped Chinese claims strictly in accordance with the gold-fields regulations, the latter resisted in opposition not only to the regulations, but the dictum of the Commissioner. On the other hand, it is alleged that the Europeans first removed, or drove into the ground, the pegs of certain rich
claims being worked by the Chinese, and afterwards jumped those claims on the pretext that they were not properly pegged out. It does not matter much, however, which of these versions is the true one, as the real object of the rioters was undoubtedly to drive the Chinese off the field, in order to get possession of
their claims, and-shall we say-proerty? One thing we know, that during the row, not only were Chinese tents with their contents destroyed, but Chinese cash and other valuables were burglariously appropriated. Robbing or shooting a Chinese or a blackfellow has come to be regarded as a very venial crime-no! not a crime indeed, but a mode of dealing with inferior races demonstrative of a high degree of intelligence and civilisation?
We refrain from any comment on the cases now before the Court, pending the trials.

First name(s)Edwin
Last nameGransden
Date25 June 1870
Record setQueensland intestacies & wills
CategoryBirth, Marriage, Death & Parish Records
SubcategoryWills & probate
Collections fromAustralasia
Find My Past (Accessed 12/02/2016)

Government - Queensland Government Gazette document
State: Queensland
Gazette year: 1870
Page number: 812
Gazette title: Queensland Government Gazette 1870
Category: Directories & social history
Subcategory: Government
Collections from: Australasia
(Accessed 12 Feb 2016)
In the Supreme Court of Queensland.
In the Estate of Martin Burs and Charles Poison, late of Maryborough ; Duncan Campbell and Samuel Hyland, late of St. George ; Henry Hardie, late of Floraville Station ; Edwin Gransden and George Pickup, late of Rockhampton ; Richard Elbers, Edward Manning, and Maurice Connor, late of Ravenswood ;
Frederick Stein, late of Bowen ; John Eveard, late of Hurley's Rush ; Louis G. Ross, Balnagowan Station ; John herbage, late of Wando Vale ; George Fratson, and James Grey, late of Clermont ; John Bone, late of Clermont ; and William Conner, late of Surat. PURSLTANT to Act of Council, 31 Victoria, No. 10, all persons having any claims aainst the Estate of any one of the above-named" deceased persons, are to come in and prove their debts at my office, Queen street, Brisbane, on or before the twenty-fifth day of August next, or in default they will be peremptorily excluded from all benefit accruing from the said Estates.
Curator of Intestate Estates.
Supreme Court House,
Brisbane, 25th June, 1870.

A RETURN in Intestacy , shewing gross amount received , gross amount paid, and the balance in hand in each Estate, from 1st July to 31st December , A.D. 1870, inclusive.
Edwin Gransden 14 pounds 13 shillings 10 pence
Amount Received £29 17 0. Amount Paid £15 3 2. Balance in Hand £14 13 10
Government - Queensland Government Gazette document
State: Queensland
Gazette year: 1871
Page number: 50
Gazette title: Queensland Government Gazette 1871
Category: Directories & social history
Subcategory: Government
Collections from: Australasia

Additoinal: Edwin Gransden Received £0 13 6 Paid £0 0 8 Balance in Hand £3 10 11 (Accessed 20 Feb 2017)
Find my Past (accessed 12th Feb 2016)

South Rockhampton Cemetery Index
Gransden, Edwin 50 yo, male buried Monday 16th May 1870 CofE Row 17 grave 659, cause of death fever, occupation- Hawker
file:///C:/Users/Tina/Downloads/2015-SOUTH-ROCKHAMPTON-CEMETERY-INDEX%20(1).pdf (Accessed 20 May 2017)


bullet  Noted events in his life were:

• Birth, 23 Nov 1825, Gosport Hampshire, England. 323

• Death Register: Edwin Gransden, 15 May 1870, Athelstane Range, Rockhampton. 324


Edwin married Maria Baker, daughter of George Baker and Unknown, on 30 Apr 1855 in St Phillips Church, Sydney, New South Wales, Australia.318 (Maria Baker was born about 1823 in Suffolk, England,325 died on 30 Mar 1890 in Condell St. Fitzroy, Melbourne, Victoria 325 and was buried on 31 Mar 1890 in General Cemetery, Melbourne, Victoria 325.). The cause of her death was Syncope and Acute Bronchitis.

bullet  Marriage Notes:

Married by banns, Edwin is noted as widower, Maria as spinster witnesses were John Stevens of Sydney and Emma Womesley of Sydney.

Church of England. Minister William Cowper.

Details of probable Emma Womesley/ Wormsley- wife of Joe Wormsley, proprietor of the Union Inn, South Head Road, Paddington, NSW. (Accessed 10th Feb 2017)

Name:Maria Baker
Spouse Name:Edwin Gransden
Marriage Date:1855
Marriage Place:New South Wales
Registration Place:Sydney, New South Wales
Registration Year:1855
Volume Number:V B Australia, Marriage Index, 1788-1950 [database on-line]. Provo, UT, USA: Operations, Inc., 2010.


Edwin next married Rebekah Elphick, daughter of James Elphick and Sarah Parker, on 3 Dec 1861 in Mount Franklin House, Franklinford, Victoria, Australia.319 (Rebekah Elphick was born on 28 Feb 1830 in Leatherhead Fawfield, Surrey, England,319,326 died on 17 Jul 1869 in Three Mile Creek/ Crocodile Creek, Rockhampton, QLD, Australia 327 and was buried on 18 Jul 1869 in Three Mile Creek/ Crocodile Creek, Rockhampton, QLD, Australia 327.). The cause of her death was Consumption.

bullet  Marriage Notes:

Married by special licence.

Witness of marriage were Edward Stone Parker, James Robert Elphick.

Edwin is noted as bachelor. There are no details suggesting that a divorce between himself and Maria Baker had ever taken place.

Noted under the marriage certificate, Mount Franklin House, the residence of E. S Parker by special license.

Rebekah noted as 31 at time of marriage, Edwin as 34.

Married according to the rites and wages of the Wesleyen Methodist Church of Victoria.
Samuel Knight- officiating Wesleyan Minister.


Edwin next married Unknown in Engalnd.

bullet  Marriage Notes:

Noted on death certificate of second wife- Maria Gransden that Edwin was previously married in England. Noted in the marriage details that the particulars of Edwins first marriage are not known.
1851 census shows Edwin as unmarried, 1855 Edwin marries Maria Baker so he must have married between 1851 and 1855.

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