An article written by Ray Bean sometime in the 1950s. The language and detail are Ray Bean’s. The photos were taken by Ray at the time he wrote the original article. There is some damage to the article, hence the missing words. In some cases, Ray has inserted handwritten words into the original typewritten article. Where I can identify what these words are I have included those words. Where I have not been able to identify the word, I have kept to the typewritten words that Ray used originally.
Yerranderie today, a township of about fifty inhabitants seventy-six miles west of Sydney in the extreme Upper Burragorang valley, rests from the trials of its vigorous past and preserves its picturesque character in rugged scenic beauty.
Once a settlement of two thousand people who lived on the mining of Yerranderies’s rich silver-lead deposits, it sprang into life and grew with dramatic suddenness. Like a bushfire, it flourished briefly and died. The story of so many mining towns.
What now remains of the township are enough dwellings to house the fifty or so inhabitants, scattered over the landscape as though from some giant hand, and the main street which to the first glance of the traveller might be the set for a Hollywood-style “Western”, were it not so real.
The post office and bank; a two-storey structure, its wood bare of paint, has a row of wooden posts along its front supporting a balcony; the posts rising straight out of the road, there being no footpaths in Yerranderie. Outside under a gum tress is a hitching rail twelve feet long; a relic of past times when business was more brisk.
Yerranderie Township at the feet of Yerranderie Peaks, showing Bartlett Heat at the left (Authors Collection of Ray Bean photographs)
Directly behind the post office Yerranderie Peaks rise; a landmark from which the district takes its name. At one time the town was known as “The Peaks”.
Across the street is the general store; a wooden structure of one storey, but with a false front carried high above the awning, and a boardwalk reminiscent of western American gold rush towns.
Main Street of Yerranderie showing General Store and Bakery (Authors collection of Ray Bean photographs)
The bakery, next door, an odd mixture of similar construction and typical outback Australian architecture, corrugated iron whitewashed; with a few tiny stores scattered along the wide sloping streed dotted with self-sown gum trees make up the main thoroughfare. The “Silver Mines Hotel” is a half mile away from the rest of the town and farthest from the mines, which I thought was designed to remove temptation from the path of the miners during working hours, but nevertheless, very unkind.
Main Street and Bakery at Yerranderie (Authors collection of Ray Bean photographs)
These structures have a backdrop of intense beauty. Across the valley are the rugged Tonalli Walls rising to nearly four thousand feet, their sandstone ramparts out by the symmetrical cull of Byrnes Gap, a half-mile wide.
The entire district is a maze of sandstone ridges with basalt **** tops overlying ancient rocks. The vivid transparent mist from which the Blue Mountains take its name softens and enhances the ruggedness.
Standing on the boardwalk and leaning against a verandah post of the general store I was discussing past days with an old-timer who had worked in the mines and had chosen Yerranderie for his retirement because of its isolation, quietness and beautiful setting. Our attention was attracted to some violent activity in the town; two horsemen were cantering up to the post office-bank. They swung simultaneously from their saddles and hitched their horses to the rail.
General Store and Mainstreet of Yerranderie with Tomalli Walls in the background (Authors collection of Ray Bean photographs)
The old-timer stopped talking and looked out with half-closed eyes through the bright sunlight, getting the horseman into focus. I was fascinated by the scene, and so was my friend apparently, for his gaze took in every detail as he slowly put his pipe in his mouth, took a long draw and exhaled the blue smoke into the sunlight. The horsemen by this time stood at the entrance to the bank, pausing a moment before entering.
“You wouldn’t need much imagination to see them pull their six guns before going in, would ya?” said the old timer, still gazing across the street. You wouldn’t.
There is almost no mining done in Yerranderie now. The mines, “Bartlett’s”, “Bore Block” and “Silver Peaks” have taken on the deserted appearance of all worked-out mines; heaps of mullock of various colours, twisted tramlines and rusted boilers of once busy engines; unbroken tools and a small truck tilted up at the end of its rail jutting into space over the end of a mullock heap. A bushfire at “Bartlett’s” four years ago robbed the scene of the seventy-foot-high timber mind heads. The only other industry is a little saw-milling and farming in the surrounding district.
A twice-daily bus service to Camden has been in operation a year, and so daily mails are received. The arrival of the bus was not the event I expected; the one I saw delivered two newspapers.
At the weekend and holiday times, a great number of bushwalkers arrive laden with heavy rucksacks and briefly the tiny town comes to life.
That is the Yerranderie of today. Between 1880 and 1912 ?******? Of the silver-lead mining, the miners, prospectors and others who hoped to get rich quick poured into the towns from Camden in the only means of public transport; Butler’s coaches, which stopped running there in favour of automobiles about 1920.
So rapid was the towns growth and so rugged the terrain that no time was given to town planning even should someone have had the inclination. One could hardly say Yerranderie was built. A town of ridges and gullies, it rather accumulated around the mines. Every ridge and gully contained cottage or shack.
The extreme high temperatures and dry summers caused the tanks to dry up and the creeks became the sole water supply. The Tonalli River was a particularly suitable place for dwellers and shacks extended far up its banks.
There were no footpaths, and transport being mostly by foot the result was a maze of tracks from shack to school, hotel, store, creek and neighbours shack. A few houses were built near the hotel and so a suburb known as Newtown sprang up.
Much timber was removed for building and propping in the mines and nature retaliated with an abundant growth of saplings which made the township more congested than ever.
The ore concentrates were bagged and transported to Cambed on flat-topped waggons drawn by bullock teams of twenty-two beasts, and later replaced by smaller units of nine to sixteen horses.
The first stage of the trek was Yerranerie to Byrnes Creek; a distance of about eight miles, from where fresh teams hauled the heavy loads over the fertile flats of the Wollondilly River; the sandstone ramparts flanking the valley making a scene which it is doubtful the rough road permitted the traveller to appreciate.
The bullock and horse teams; the stagecoach, have all gone under the marching feet of progress, and soon the road itself will meet the same fate, for the flooding of the Burragorang Valley when the Warragamba Dam is completed will put this road in places under two hundred feet of water.
At the end of the second stage was a depot halfway up Burragorang Pass and another team traversed the final stage across the tableland to the railway at Cambden; a distance of forty miles from Yerranderie.
This read was notoriously rough and the horses pulling the coaches ?****? knew their jobs and the road so well that the polers would lower the wheels ?*****? one at a time into the huge potholes to avoid the sudden lurch of the coach and discomfort of the passengers.
In wet weather the ore waggons bogged in the mud and at a time when bullocks and horses were both in use the story is told of a waggon horse-drawn sinking to the aisles. The teamster built himself a shelter from the rain and camped until a bullock waggon returning empty from Camden came up. The two teamsters set to work and dug the mud away from the front of the waggon making a sloping channel rising to the road level, and then dug away from the back wheels what mud they could, including large rocks floating in it. Harnessing the horse team to the waggon and the bullocks to the horsed the straining increased with the colour of the teamsters’ language. The result was a splintering crash as the accumulated power of horse and bullock pulled the waggon from the mud leaving the lower half of the back wheels embedded and smashed spokes flying in the air. It was also a frequent occurrence under such conditions for a team to pull the pole from a waggon making it more difficult than ever to remove.
Despite the roughness of the roads many empty waggons could be seen bumping their way on the return journey with the teamsters aloft fast asleep, stretched out after their stay in Cambden.
The decline of Yerranderie began about 1912 when the prices of sliver-lead dropped considerably. Some of the miners lured by small finds of gold set out into the mountains to gamble with fortune on the nearby Kowmung River.
The Great War, two years later struck the final blow from which Yerranderie never recovered. The concentrates in those days were not smelted in Australia, but were sent to Germany for treatment.
Attempts to revive the industry after the war appear to have been frustrated by labour difficulties, which seem to always follow in the wake of such catastrophes, and the once thriving township wavered and slowly dwindled like the mist of its surrounding mountains, leaving only a quaint ghost of its former self.
Main Street of Yerranderie, showing General Store (Authors collection of Ray Bean photographs)
Mary Calderwood Dalrymple Davidson was the first child of Robert Davidson and Jean Logan Davidson nee Muir. Mary was born on the 5th of June 1884 at Edinborough House, Clarence St, Port Macquarie1. Edinborough or Edinburgh House was a two-story building on the waterfront near the wharf at Port Macquarie2.
Edinborough House, Port Macquarie. Original held as a digital photograph at the Port Macquarie Library, NSW, Australia.
Mary attended the local school at Port Macquarie and like her parents and siblings, Mary could play the pianoforte and was interested in horticulture. This can be seen in her entry and place in Flower Shows as early as 1895, where at the age of 11 Mary won a second for her entry of a Foliage Plant in one of the many Flower Shows and Concerts that occurred in the Hasting and Port Macquarie district3.
During Mary’s early years, she played Lawn Tennis with the Port Macquarie Tennis Club, teaming with others in her local area to play competition tennis in mixed double matches with other locals4. Mary continued to grow her horticultural expertise and regularly won prizes for her entries to the local flower shows. Including taking out the Championship in roses, gladioli, carnations and other specimens at regional shows5,6,7. Mary was also a regular performer at concerts and events involving the church playing the piano, organ and violin8,9,10.
Mary and her siblings were known to accompany their parents to many of the socials and gatherings of the Port Macquarie district and were well-known in the area. When the Rev. R. Davidson stepped down as the Minister for the Charge of Port Macquarie, life Robert himself, and the rest of the family continued their involvement with the church and with local affairs. So, it was natural that when each new minister succeeded to the Port Macquarie Charge the Davidson family would be part of the welcoming events.
George Montgomery Torbett when first inducted to the Port Macquarie Charge(Warnecke Collection)
The Reverend George Montgomery Torbett was inducted to the Port Macquarie Charge on the 5th of September 1903 and Mary was playing the Organ at the induction ceremony11. The Reverend Torbett, like Robert Davidson, was born in Scotland. George Montgomery Torbett was born on the 19th of February at Ervie Stranraer, Kirkcolm, Scotland12.
George was born to parents James and Elizabeth Torbet, James worked a farm of twelve acres13 and had previously been an agricultural labourer14. By the late 1800s James was leasing a farm and house from Sir Andrew Agnew at Ervie. Other tenants of Ervie included Elizabeth Harris and Mrs Jane McClymont, John McCrae and James McMeikan and his heirs15. James and his father seem to have done very well. They were both farming large parcels of land and by the 1901 census, the family were employing a servant as James grew older16. By 1891, the family were able to send George Torbett to University17. He attended Edinburgh University and received a Master of Arts degree18.
Once George completed his degree he entered duty as an assistant to Mr Traill who had the Wick congregation in the far north of the Scottish Highlands. This congregation included over 1000 people and was introducing an assistant for the first time19. From there, George Torbett worked in the presbyteries of Forfar and Yalkirk, both in the Scottish lowlands, closer to Edinburgh20.
In 1901 George migrated to Australia on the Austral, arriving on the 24th of June 190121. George arrived to find that the letter letting the Presbyterian Church know of his arrival was behind him. So, there was no one to welcome him and he was not expected22. However, once in Australia George Torbett was ordained in the Glebe Church and after that, he accepted oversight of the Moree Charge in North Western New South Wales. George arrived in Moree in November of 190323. When George arrived at Moree the region was in the middle of a drought. He had to carry food for himself and his horse and often, he would need to purchase water as there was very little water flowing in creeks or available in dams. The district was large, about 160km square (100 miles)24. George was quoted as saying that in his time at Moree “he never saw a blade of grass”25. George travelled to all areas of the Moree district using either a horse or a horse and sulky.
At the end of two years, George’s health started to deteriorate due to the long distances and the poor conditions. So when the call came out for a minister to go to the newly vacant Port Macquarie Charge George accepted the call.
The Induction of the Reverend G. M Torbett, M.A. to the Port Macquarie Charge took place on the 2nd of September 1903. During George Torbett’s induction, he was to meet the Davidson family, including Mary Davidson who played the organ during the ceremony26.
George Montgomery Torbett and Mary Calderwood Dalrymple Davidson were married in St. Andrews Church, Port Macquarie on the fifth of January 190527.
St. Andrews’ Presbyterian Church, Port Macquarie, was crowded to overflowing on Thursday last, the attraction being the marriage of the Rev. G. M. Torbett, M.A., to Miss M. Davidson, eldest daughter of Mr. R. Davidson, M.L.A. The Church had been very prettily decorated by a number of friends, and was very much admired. As the bride, leaning on the arm of her father, walked up the aisle of the Church, the choir rendered the marriage hymn, ‘The voice that breath’d o’er Eden.’ The Rev. Jas. Lamont, F.L.S., of Sydney, then performed the marriage ceremony. The bride’s dress was made up of white silk, trimmed with lace to match, and wearing the customary wreath and veil.
Miss Jean Davidson, sister of the bride, acted as bridesmaid, her dress consisting of cream voile, trimmed with ribbon and insertion. She wore a very neat brooch, the gift of the bridegroom. Mr. G. C. Lindsay attended the bridegroom as best man.
After the ceremony was over, the party adjourned to the residence of the bride’s parents, when the wedding breakfast was partaken of, at which about 80 guests sat down. At the conclusion of this, the Rev. Jas. Lamont proposed the health of Rev. Mr. and Mrs. Torbett, to which Mr. Torbett responded. Mr. J. Bransdon proposed ‘The best man and bridesmaid,’ Mr. G. C. Lindsay acknowledging. Mr. Jas. Butler, J,P., proposed the health of Mr. and Mrs. Davidson, to which Mr. Davidson responded.
Immediately afterwards Mr, and Mrs. Torbett left overland for Sydney. Mrs Torbett’s travelling dress was of gray checked voile, trimmed with grey silk and cream lace front, with a black picture hat. The bride received a large number of handsome presents from her friends, all of whom, together with our readers, are unanimous in their wish that the newly married couple may enjoy a long and happy life28.
The Torbett’s remained at Port Macquarie for a number of years while George consolidated his work in the Port Macquarie Charge and the couple started a young family. Elizabeth Jean Torbett was born later the same year, at the Manse in which many of Mary’s own siblings had been born29. Robert James Torbett, was born in 190730, followed by Mary Grace (Grace) in 190931 and Isabel Anne in 191232.
In 1914 the family decided to go to Scotland for a trip to visit George’s family and it is probable that the couple also visited the Davidson family. Later, some of Mary’s other siblings would travel to Mauchline in Scotland to meet the aunts, uncles and cousins that they had only heard about through family letters and stories. The trip to Scotland took a lot of planning and organisation. George needed to seek the permission of the Church to take an extended leave of absence and only Mary and their youngest daughter, Isabel would take the trip with them33.
The Torbett’s were given extensive farewells at the School of the Arts in Port Macquarie34, as well as at the Manse35, the Good Templar Hall in Wauchope36 and others37. At these farewells the couple were given some money for their trip, hymns and other musical items were sung, presents were given and speeches were made.
George and Mary Torbett left Australia and arrived in Longdon before continuing on to Scotland on the 4th of April 191438. They travelled third class39 and were gone for approximately eight months40. During this time their oldest three children remained in Australia. It is probable that they stayed with their grandparents Robert and Jean Davidson in Port Macquarie.
On the couple’s return, the newspapers carried notice of their arrival41 and once again there were socials and celebrations42 that the family were returning to Australia. This was followed in 1915 by the birth of Agnes Montgomery Torbett, named after her aunt Nancy43.
The family were not destined to remain much longer in Port Macquarie. Less than two years after the couple returned to Port Macquarie they were once again being farewelled44. This time on a permanent basis. George had been given the Illawarra Charge on the southern coast of New South Wales. So, the Torbett’s including their young family packed their belongings and moved from Port Macquarie to Kiama a trip of just over 500 km (325 miles).
The Reverend G. Torbett was inducted at the Kiama Presbytery on Wednesday the 13th of December 1916. The occasion included a sermon by the Moderator of the Presbytery and visiting church dignitaries. Telegrams were read out from absent church dignitaries, the Mayor took part in the ceremonies and the Parish Elders also took part. Both George and his wife Mary were welcomed to the district. After the speeches and ceremony, a social event took place with food provided by the ladies of the parish45.
Kiama Church c. 1910. (Original held at the Kiama Library NSW, Australia as a digital photograph).
The Torbett’s quickly made themselves part of the community in the parish. All members of the family participated in local events and took roles in the community including working with the Hospital Committee, the Women’s Guild and other local groups.
While the family were at Kiama they kept in touch with the other members of the Davidson clan. So, they had updated information when three of Mary’s brothers and her sister Jean all left Australia to participate in the war. The Torbett’s children were too young to join up. George Torbett continued to serve the church, with Mary by his side throughout the war. On the return of soldiers after the war Reverend Torbett worked with the RSL to help with memorial services on ANZAC day and other services that commemorated the fallen and those who returned from the war46.
Torbett Family seated George Montgomery Torbett and Mary Calderwood Dalrymple Torbett nee Davidson. Front, Elizabeth Jean (Jean), Robert, Mary Grace (Grace).(Warnecke Collection)
Over the next few years, George’s influence and activity in the Presbyterian Church grew. Both he and Mary travelled frequently to the more far flung reaches of the Illawarra Charge and also to Sydney which was much easier to get to than it had been when the Torbett’s lived at Port Macquarie. This enabled George to take on larger roles within the church and culminated in his being elected as the Moderator for the New South Wales Presbyterian Church in 193247. This role would be undertaken for a year. It would necessitate George, and often Mary, travelling to all of the Charges in New South Wales and was a high honour in the Church.
Rev. G. M. Torbett- Moderator (Warnecke Collection)
George Torbett’s year of office as the Moderator for New South Wales began in May, the election was held in January prior to his induction. On May the 11th the Sydney Morning Herald included a full-length photo of George Torbett in the robes that he wore for his induction including the lace that he wore. The lace was hand-made by the nuns at the Convent of Kiama and was a gift from them to George Torbett for his Induction48. In the January before George was Inducted, George and Mary went on a holiday to Blackheath in the Blue Mountains. It was noted at the time that they intended to relax before an intense year and that the Reverened Torbett had taken his golf outfit on his holiday49.
During the year that George was the New South Wales Moderator, he travelled all around New South Wales including areas such as Parramatta50, Manilla in North Western New South Wales51, Muswellbrook and Merriwa52, Newcastle53, his home town of Kiama54, Richmond including Kyogle and Lismore55, the far north of New South Wales, Taree, the Port Macquarie District where both George and Mary had a chance to catch up with family members and friends, from there they went on to Uralla56 and all most every town in between. Mary travelled with him on many of these trips, their youngest child Agnes was now 17, with two of his children, Robert and Grace working as teachers in the New South Wales Department of Education57 and most of their other children either working or studying the couple were able to travel together for a lot of the year in which George would be undertaking the duties of Moderator. However, early in his term as Moderator Robert and Mary Davidson came to live with the Torbetts at Kiama. Mary Davidson died twelve weeks later and Robert rapidly fell into senility at her death. This impacted the travelling that Mary was able to do and she was unable to join her husband on as much of his travelling as they had initially planned.
George used his platform as Moderator to speak out against gambling, unemployment and the impact of the depression. In particular, George disliked the use that the State was making of the State Lottery which he saw as state-sanctioned gambling at a time when few would benefit and even fewer could afford it58,59. He also sought to bring people back into the Church which he felt had lost people during the First World War and later during the Great Depression.
In 1933, the Port Kembla Charge became vacant. George ended up taking on this role on top of his role in Kiama and as Moderator. He remained in this role well past his term as New South Wales Moderator and into 194160. This was a significant increase in George’s duties and was one that he undertook for many years as the interim Moderator for Port Kembla. However, in 1941, despite the wishes of the congregation he resigned his post at Port Kembla, only keeping up his position at Kiama. In 1942, after 42 years at Kiama George Torbett resigned from the Illawarra Charge, stationed at Kiama with a view to retiring due to ill health61.
Once again the Torbett’s were given a send-off. Presentations were made, gifts were given and a number of speeches were made. George and Mary Torbett, along with their eldest daughter Jean, were moving to Sydney. The Kiama congregation thanked George with a wallet of notes, a clock and an electric toaster was given to Mary and a reading lamp to Jean, along with flowers to both Mary and Jean. George, Mary and Jean each gave a speech in thanks for their gifts and for the time that they had spent in Kiama and the people that they had met62.
Like his father-in-law in 1931, once George decided to stop working his health continued to go downhill. In July of 1942, just five months after he retired, George Torbett died. Although retired, George had continued working, at a lower capacity, for the Church in Mosman, where he had been living. He had been preaching in various Sydney and suburban churches most Sundays63, but his health was not improving and he died shortly after having a heart attack on the 8th of July 194264.
Mary lived another five years at Mosmon and then Chatswood. She died on the 23rd of October, 194765. Her unmarried daughter Jean lived with her for many of her remaining years as did her youngest daughter Agnes whose engagement and wedding took place not long before Mary died66. In the years after George died, Jean67 continued to visit her friends at Kiama. Mary probably joined her on some of those visits. The Torbett’s were remembered with fondness by the many people at Kiama that Jean visited while she was there. Mary’s obituary in Kiama remembered her as having a kindly and friendly nature that endeared her to all with whom she came in contact68.
Headstone of George Montgomery Torbett and Mary Calderwood Dalrymple Torbett nee Davidson- Macquarie Park Cemetery, NSW, Australia.
Birth Cert. DAVIDSON, Mary C D. Name: Mary C D Davidson Birth Date: 1884 Birth Place: New South Wales Registration Year:1884 Registration Place: Port Macquarie, New South Wales, Australia Father: Robert Davidson Mother: Jane L Registration Number: 21839 ↩︎
Lois Coombes, 2006. Miss Nancy; A Unique Lady 1890-1987. Wauchope District Historical Society Inc. Wauchope, NSW, Australia ↩︎
1895 ‘Flower Show and Concerts.’, The Port Macquarie News and Hastings River Advocate (NSW : 1882 – 1950), 16 November, p. 5. , viewed 03 Jan 2024,↩︎
1904 ‘Lawn Tennis.’, The Port Macquarie News and Hastings River Advocate ↩︎
1903 ‘Presbyterian Flower Show.’, The Port Macquarie News and Hastings River Advocate ↩︎
Presbyterian Flower Show. (1904, October 29). The Port Macquarie News and Hastings River Advocate ↩︎
1903 ‘Hospital Meeting.’, The Port Macquarie News and Hastings River Advocate↩︎
Presbyterian Flower Show. (1904, October 29). The Port Macquarie News and Hastings River Advocate ↩︎
1904 ‘Teeth Painlessly Extracted by CHAS. G. ORR, Surgeon Dentist, Port Macquarie.’, The Port Macquarie News and Hastings River Advocate↩︎
1903 ‘Welcome to Rev. G. M. Torbett, M. A.’, The Port Macquarie News and Hastings River Advocate↩︎
1903 ‘Welcome to Rev. G. M. Torbett, M. A.’, The Port Macquarie News and Hastings River Advocate↩︎
Birth Cert. TORBETT, George Montgomery, George Torbet 1871 ↩︎
1916 ‘FAREWELL AT WAUCHOPE.’, The Macleay Chronicle ↩︎
1916 ‘INDUCTION.’, The Kiama Independent, and Shoalhaven Advertiser ↩︎
1921 ‘THANKS RETURNED.’, The Kiama Reporter and Illawarra Journal ↩︎
1932 ‘REV. G. M. TORBETT.’, The Sydney Morning Herald ↩︎
Warnecke Collection- Honiton Lace, handmade by the Nuns of the Kiama Convent. Three pieces currently with Norma Warnecke, George Torbett’s granddaughter and lace maker. ↩︎
1932 ‘REV. G. M. TORBETT.’, The Sydney Morning Herald ↩︎
1932 ‘BREVITIES’, The Cumberland Argus and Fruitgrowers Advocate ↩︎
1895 ‘Flower Show and Concerts.’, The Port Macquarie News and Hastings River Advocate (NSW : 1882 – 1950), 16 November, p. 5. , viewed 03 Jan 2024,
1903 ‘Hospital Meeting.’, The Port Macquarie News and Hastings River Advocate (NSW : 1882 – 1950), 7 November, p. 3. , viewed 04 Jan 2024,
1903 ‘Presbyterian Church, Port Macquarie.’, The Port Macquarie News and Hastings River Advocate (NSW : 1882 – 1950), 5 September, p. 2. , viewed 27 Dec 2023,
1903 ‘Presbyterian Flower Show.’, The Port Macquarie News and Hastings River Advocate (NSW : 1882 – 1950), 7 November, p. 2. , viewed 03 Jan 2024,
1903 ‘Welcome to Rev. G. M. Torbett, M. A.’, The Port Macquarie News and Hastings River Advocate (NSW : 1882 – 1950), 12 September, p. 2. , viewed 04 Jan 2024,
1904 ‘Lawn Tennis.’, The Port Macquarie News and Hastings River Advocate (NSW : 1882 – 1950), 13 August, p. 2. , viewed 03 Jan 2024,
1904 ‘Teeth Painlessly Extracted by CHAS. G. ORR, Surgeon Dentist, Port Macquario.’, The Port Macquarie News and Hastings River Advocate (NSW : 1882 – 1950), 9 April, p. 2. , viewed 04 Jan 2024,
1905 ‘WEDDING BELLS.’, The Port Macquarie News and Hastings River Advocate (NSW : 1882 – 1950), 7 January, p. 2. , viewed 24 Dec 2023,
1913 ‘The Rev. G. M. Torbett, M.A.’, The Port Macquarie News and Hastings River Advocate (NSW : 1882 – 1950), 15 November, p. 5. , viewed 24 Dec 2023,
1914 ‘Farewell to Rev. G. M. Torbett.’, The Port Macquarie News and Hastings River Advocate (NSW : 1882 – 1950), 7 February, p. 4. , viewed 26 Dec 2023,
1914 ‘Local and General News.’, The Port Macquarie News and Hastings River Advocate (NSW : 1882 – 1950), 31 October, p. 4. , viewed 24 Dec 2023,
1914 ‘PRESBYTERIAN.’, Newcastle Morning Herald and Miners’ Advocate (NSW : 1876 – 1954), 21 February, p. 13. , viewed 30 Dec 2023,
1914 ‘Welcome Social.’, The Port Macquarie News and Hastings River Advocate (NSW : 1882 – 1950), 28 November, p. 4. , viewed 03 Jan 2024,
1932 ‘PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH.’, The Manning River Times and Advocate for the Northern Coast Districts of New South Wales (Taree, NSW : 1898 – 1954), 13 August, p. 9. , viewed 26 Dec 2023,
1932 ‘Rt. Rev. G. M. Torbett’, The Kiama Independent, and Shoalhaven Advertiser (NSW : 1863 – 1947), 14 May, p. 2. , viewed 27 Dec 2023,
1941 ‘Presbytery of Illawarra’, The Kiama Independent, and Shoalhaven Advertiser (NSW : 1863 – 1947), 13 December, p. 1. , viewed 29 Dec 2023,
1942 ‘CHURCH FAREWELL’, The Kiama Independent, and Shoalhaven Advertiser (NSW : 1863 – 1947), 7 February, p. 6. , viewed 27 Dec 2023,
1942 ‘REV. G. M. TORBETT, 71 YEARS.’, The Kiama Independent, and Shoalhaven Advertiser (NSW : 1863 – 1947), 11 July, p. 2. , viewed 26 Dec 2023,
Australia, Birth Index, 1788-1922, “Births, deaths and Marriages,” database, ( : accessed 4 Jan 2024), Torbett, Robert J. Rec. Date: 6 Jul 2018. Cit. Date: 4 Jan 2024; TORBETT ROBERT J 28256/1907 GEORGE M MARY C D PORT MACQUARIE
Australia, Birth Index, 1788-1922, “Births, deaths and Marriages,” database, (, Mary Grace Torbett. Rec. Date: 6 Jul 2018; TORBETT MARY G 18243/1909 GEORGE M MARY C D PORT MACQUARIE
Birth Cert. DAVIDSON, Mary C D. Name: Mary C D Davidson Birth Date: 1884 Birth Place: New South Wales Registration Year:1884 Registration Place: Port Macquarie, New South Wales, Australia Father: Robert Davidson Mother: Jane L Registration Number: 21839
Birth Cert. TORBETT, George Montgomery, George Torbet 1871, February nineteenth 1 hr, a. m. Ervie, Kirkolm, M. To James Torbet, Farmer and Elizabeth Torbet m. S. Montgomery, married 1856 in November, Kirkholm. James Tobert, father, informant. Registered 1871, March 1st at Kirkholm. Norma has details as Ervie Stranraer, Scotland.
Lois Coombes, 2006. Miss Nancy; A Unique Lady 1890-1987. Wauchope District Historical Society Inc. Wauchope, NSW, Australia.
Presbyterian Flower Show. (1904, October 29). The Port Macquarie News and Hastings River Advocate (NSW : 1882 – 1950), p. 2. Retrieved January 3, 2024, from
State Records of South Australia; Gebbs Cross, South Australia, Australia; Official Lists of Passengers Arriving in South Australia from Overseas-1888-1940; Series: GRG41_34
The National Archives in Washington, DC; London, England, UK; Board of Trade: Commercial and Statistical Department and Successors: Inwards Passenger Lists; Class: Bt26; Piece: 591; Item: 93
Warnecke Collection- Honiton Lace, handmade by the Nuns of the Kiama Convent. Three pieces currently with Norma Warnecke, George Torbett’s granddaughter and lace maker.
Robert Davidson- Minister of Port Macquarie- A Centenary History of the Presbyterian Church in NSW.
Robert Davidson was the youngest of the children born to John Davidson and Mary Davidson nee Dalrymple of Mauchline.
Robert was born on the 4th of September 1856 at Mauchline1, the year after John Davidson, his father, formed a partnership with Robert Wilson and the same year that Samuel Amphlet joined the partnership. The company of Davidson, Wilson, and Amplet was thriving and the family was well established. The company Davidson, Wilson, and Amphlet made boxes. Their innovation was to use prints of the local area on the boxes. This essentially was the foundation of today’s tourism industry trinkets with pictures on items of the areas that people visit.
John Davidson was already a firm believer in the temperance movement and it was in this background of affluence and temperance that Robert Davidson was born. Robert’s childhood was influenced by the death of his mother when he was seven years old, the involvement of his father and older siblings in community events, particularly those that revolved around agriculture sport,s and temperance, as well as the family business. Robert was the goalkeeper for a Mauchline football team2. Family members entered horticultural and agricultural shows and all members of the family attended temperance meetings.
The Davidson family had a strong belief in education. This was evident in that the children of the family are shown engaging in education up until at least the age of 12, before starting to take their place in the Davidson and Son’s Box manufactury. Universal education for children was very much promoted in Scotland. The requirement for all students between the ages of 5 to 13 to attend schools was not fully enforced in Scotland until 1872, however, it was notable that the children of the Davidson family were all receiving some level of education in the 1861 census. The children older than the age of 12 may also have received an education, however, this level of detail is not recorded in the 1851 census.
It may have been the changing fortunes of the Davidson family or the number of family members that were in the box-making business, it may also have been the challenges of raising a young and intelligent boy once Mary Davidson had died that decided the Davidson family to encourage Robert to build upon his education.
Robert’s early education, like that of his older siblings, was at a public school in Mauchline. The school conducted the education of between 30-50 students, most of these were educated for free, and some students paid a fee3. Robert obviously demonstrated some aptitude for study and an interest in furthering his studies. At the end of his studies in Mauchline Robert continued his education, culminating in his attendance at Gilmorehill College at the University of Glasgow4.
It was while at University that Robert met Jane (Jean or Jeanie) Logan Muir. Jane was born on the 12th of July 1858 in Stewarton, Ayrshire in Scotland. In her younger years, Jane’s father owned and ran a carpet manufacturing business that employed 19 men, 8 women, and 3 boys5. By the time Jean was 12, her father was no longer employing people in his business, instead, he was working as a Commission Agent6, possibly, at this stage, in the same carpet manufacturing business. Later Jean’s father was to be a Commissions Agent clerk for an Oil and Soap business. This was a far cry from his early career. At its height James Muir was a carpet manufacturer, the business also included wool spinning and bonnet making. From the 1851 census, it appears that the carpet manufactury employed 7 men, 43 women, and 10 boys, while the remaining part of the company employed 48 men, 20 women, 23 boys, and 23 girls7.
Like her future husband, Jean had gone through some schooling, at least until she was 12 years old. After that, she was noted as a shopkeeper in the 18818 census in Hanover St in Glasgow, less than two miles from Gilmorehill, at the University of Glasgow and the Free Church Theological College where Robert Davidson studied theology.
Jean and Robert met not long after Robert took up his studies at university and were swiftly engaged. However, Robert and Jean were unable to get married until Robert had completed his university degree and been ordained, seven years later9. Over the seven years of Robert’s Master of Arts Degree in Theology, he worked small jobs to put himself through university and support himself in Glasgow. This flexibility was to help him later in life. Shortly have graduating from Glascow University, Robert was ordained a Presbyterian Minister, on the 31st of August 1883 and then swiftly accepted a Charge in the Presbyterian Church in Australia10.
During the time that Robert completed his studies, Jean continued to work in a shop in Glasgow. However, her health was gradually deteriorating as she developed bronchial trouble that was exacerbated by the cool climate. It was with this in mind that Jean and Robert decided that he would take up a Charge in Australia. It was hoped that the sun and warmer climate would help restore Jean to health. On the day that Robert was ordained as a Presbyterian Church Minister, he also married Jane (Jean) Logan Muir11. The couple were booked on the S. S. Sorata, as Saloon passengers, to leave Scotland on the 4th of November 188312, less than three months after their wedding. The couple left Scotland in exalted company. On board the steamer passengers included four other Ministers of the Church bound for Australia as well as a Governor of the West Indies, his wife, family, and entourage13.
In general, the Sorrento had an excellent trip with few troubles. However, as the ship rounded the Cape of Good Hope, it ran into some bad weather that impacted Robert Davidson badly. As a result, when he arrived in Australia, Robert was so weak that he needed to be carried ashore on a stretcher14. Once in Australia, Robert and Jean stayed at Balmain for a couple of weeks. Robert Davidson was given a choice of the Charges of Port Macquarie or Broken Hill15. Robert chose Port Macquarie16 and within two weeks of arriving in Australia the couple once again had to get onboard a steamer to travel the short distance to Port Macquarie. The Port Macquarie Charge included Port Macquarie, Camden Haven, Wauchope, Yarras, Rollands Plains and Telegraph Point. From Port Macquarie, this area stretched north approximately 20km, West almost 70km, and South over 40 km. All of this would need to be traversed by Robert Davidson on a horse as he worked with the parishioners of his Charge.
Back standing, Nancy, Jean and Bert
Sitting Robert Davidson and Jean Logan Davidson (Jeannie) nee Muir and Mary
Front Row Douglas, Jack, and Eric
(Authors Collection)
Once the couple arrived in Port Macquarie they had expected to live a the Port Macquarie Manse. However, another family, the Wilsons had been permitted to live in the Manse and so the Davidson’s had to find alternative accommodation. For the first two years of their time at Port Macquarie, the family lived at Edinborough House. It was in this house that the first of the two Davidson children was born. Mary Calderwood Dalrymple Davidson, 5 July 188417, and Jeanie Logan Muir Davidson, 19 August 188618. At the end of two years, the Davidsons and the Wilsons swapped houses. The Davidson’s moved into the Manse, a convict-built home that was constructed to house the minister for the Church.
The Davidsons continued the naming traditions that had been used by their family for generations. Mary was given the name Mary, the name of both Robert and Jean’s mothers, Calderwood, the maiden name of Jean’s mother, and Dalrymple, the maiden name of Robert’s mother. Jean was given her first name in honour of her mother and then the name Muir for Jean’s maiden name and Logan for Jean’s mother’s maiden name.
The Davidson family moved into the Manse between the birth of Jeannie and Robert Alexander Boyd (Bert) Davidson, born in 188819. Bert was named after one of Robert’s brothers Alexander Boyd Davidson.
The Manse was an old convict building that had originally been built in 1841. The building was in poor repair when the young family first moved in. There was a large cellar that had problems with damp and the floor boards were rotting. Aside from the rotting floorboards, the wood throughout the rest of the manse was of cedar and was very good quality. French doors opened from the front verandah into the bedrooms on each side of the entrance. Above each of the doors was a moon-shaped fanlight reaching from the top of the doors to the twelve-foot-high ceilings. On entering the manse there were locked cabinets on either side of the door where Mary Davidson displayed the wedding gifts of china that she and Robert had bought to Australia with them. Unfortunately, when the manse was having its floors repaired the majority of the china was damaged when the builders removed the cabinets20.
The manse also had large open fireplaces in all of the bedrooms and living spaces. The fireplace in the sitting room had a bar across for boiling the kettle. The kitchen was a separate building away from the house to reduce the risk of the house burning down. During the time that the Davidsons lived in the manse, the house was renovated and modernised. This included the construction of an internal kitchen.
Over the next few years, Robert and Mary had four more children after the birth of Bert. Agnes Gillies Walker (Nancy) Davidson, born in 189021. Agnes Gillies was the name of Jean’s maternal grandmother. John James (Jack) Muir, named after Jean’s father, born 189222, William Eric (Eric) Davidson, born 189323 and Douglas Neil Davidson, born 189524.
During Robert’s time as the Minister for the Port Macquarie Charge, he spent nine years riding from farmhouse to farmhouse and from one church building to the next. Robert would often be away from home for long stretches staying overnight at farmhouses or anywhere else that he could get a bed. Robert would preach three services a week on a Sunday, all in different locations. This would frequently necessitate him crossing large creeks and rivers. Where these were swollen due to rain, he would remove his clothes, place them in his valise, and swim his stock horse, (Bertie) across the river. Andrew McQuade of Wauchope described Robert Davison, “I saw a tall man on a tall horse coming along out of the scrub. I saw he was a clergyman and that he was either a fool or some new chum, to cross the river as he had done.25“ After his services in each area, Robert would often stay with one of the local families so that he could perform any marriages, christenings, or burials that were needed in the area.
Over the nine years that Robert was the Minister for the Port Macquarie Charge, he became well-respected in the area. However, years of rugged travel, little time at home, and the poor fare of salted beef and cold damper that was available to him when on the road took a toll on his health. So, nine years after he arrived in Port Macquarie Robert Davidson resigned, on the 30th of June 1893 and purchased the ‘Port Macquarie News’26.
During his time as Minister for the Port Macquarie Charge, Robert had found that the district for which he was minister was not increasing in prosperity. Floods were frequent and when they occurred the prime industry of the area, which was maize growing, for fattening pigs, and timber getting were not lucrative for the area. Transport difficulties also made timber a challenging industry for the district. For a short while it was thought that sugar cane may be a better crop than maize. Some of the local farmers tried growing sugar cane but they found that the frequent frosts in the Hastings District killed the young shoots. As both minister and later as proprietor of the local newspaper Robert continued to travel to all areas of the local Hastings District. In doing so, he confronted these problems daily. With his knowledge of other agricultural pursuits, possibly as a result of the early influences on his own family when they were in Mauchline, Robert Davidsons started to introduce the concept of dairying to the Hastings District. As his influence continued to grow many of the farmers started to take his suggestions seriously and the concept of a dairy industry in the Hastings area became popular27.
Robert owned and edited the ‘Port Macquarie News’ for nine years. During this time, the paper focussed on local news, agricultural pursuits and included a regular column of advice that was very much focussed around similar subjects to those that Robert had preached as a Minister for the Church. Robert continued to travel to local events, often taking his wife and family to agricultural shows and to events that the family were easily able to get to, his daughter Nancy, wrote about the events that they attended in the many letters that she wrote over the years.
Mr. Buntine was inducted Minister of the Port Macquarie Charge that was put in place to take over when Robert Davidson resigned from the Charge. When Mr Buntine took over, despite the many innovations that Robert had brought to the Church there were some new ideas that Mr. Buntine decided to introduce. This included a ‘Session’ a council of Elders that took on the administration of the Church. They also often conduct church services. Robert Davidson was chosen along with Mr. W. S. Lindsay of Huntingdon to be the first Elders of the Port Macquarie Charge. They were inducted on the 26th of February 1894. They were quickly joined by Adam Johnston28.
While Robert owned and worked in the ‘Port Macquarie News’ he was also trying his hand at farming. The family had to leave the Manse when Robert was no longer Minister. So, they took a lease on 40 acres of land on a peppercorn rent from the Church of England. The rent was based on the condition that Robert cleared the gum trees on the land. The land included a small house that was extended by the addition of a few extra rooms for the family’s use. The Davidson family decided to name their new residence ‘Glimorehill’, after the University in Scotland that Robert had attended. The new home included the Davidson family and Mary Knight, a live-in helper for Jean Davidson. Nancy remembered the move to Gillmorehill by the family. “I remember I had to burrow my way through a thick clump of lantana. It was so high that you could walk under it. Bert, Jack and with Eric in the pram went the long way around”29.
In 189830 Robert introduced the first purebred Ayrshire cattle to the district. Ayrshire cattle were ideal for the rugged terrain of the Hastings area and were good dairy cattle. Robert showed his cattle at a number of local country shows, on occasion winning blue ribbons31.
With the introduction of Ayrshire Cattle and the continued influence of Robert Davidson the Hastings area built up a small but productive dairying centre. Soon, they were able to build a separator in a factory at Wauchope. Jean Davidson was there, with her husband to open the separator by turning on the tap to let the first milk flow into the separator32. There is still a thriving dairy industry in the Hastings District of New South Wales, to this day with Aryshire Cattle continuing to be popular dairy cattle in the region33.
Sketch of Robert Davidson when running for the seat of Cowper, NSW. (The Port Macquarie News 12 Dec 1999).
After nine years as a journalist and proprietor of the ‘Port Macquarie News’ Robert Davidson again decided to change careers. His next new challenge was to enter the New South Wales State Parliament. In 1901 Robert Davidson was elected as the member for the Hastings and Manning Electorate and a Member of the Legislative Assembly (M.L.A.)34. Robert was elected as a member of the Liberal Party and Reform Party. Robert had run for Parliament at the previous election for the Cowper Electorate but had not succeeded. In 1901, he was elected as the representative of the Hasting Macleay Electorate35.
Robert Davidson and Jean Logan Davidson nee Muir (authors collection)
During his time as a Member of the Legislative Assembly, Robert campaigned tirelessly for improvements to the local district. He was on committees that included; the Scone Cattle Sale-yards, Dairying Industry, Lismore Markets and Cattle Sale-yards, and several other committees for both regional and town interests, including the North Sydney Brick and Tile Company’s Tramway Bill Committee36. Other improvements that Robert campaigned for included a number of bridges and the North Coast Railway. The North Coast Railway had been a topic of discussion for some time. Many in the area felt that it was a necessity and would open up the region to new trade opportunities and increase the local economy. During his nine years in Parliament, Robert Davidson did not get the North Coast railway opened up. However, he entertained members of Parliament and continued to push for the railway line during his entire term and after he had left Parliament. He is still credited as one of the driving forces that caused the North Coast Railway line to be built. The railway line saw an influx in families and employment opportunities in the area as each station was opened up, increasing the prosperity of the region37.
On one of his many trips to Sydney as a member of Parliament Robert met with a serious accident. As he boarded a tram at Leichardt on his way into the city a dray attempted to pass in front of the tram. While doing so, a rabbit cart was coming along near the dray and the tram. The dray touched the cart which pulled over onto the tram. The cart then struck the tram footboard and swerved into Robert Davidson on the right leg, below the knee causing a serious fracture. Robert was taken to the Prince Alfred Hospital where he was treated. The fracture was a complex one with the bone showing through the skin. Robert Davidson was “laid up” for around five weeks. The cart was badly damaged but the drivers of both the cart and the dray were unharmed38.
Robert Davidson (Parliamentary Photo NSW Parliamentary Website).
In his early days as a member of Parliament, Robert Davidson was asked to officially open the bridge across the Wilson River at Telegraph Point. Robert had campaigned for the bridge and the whole family was there to witness his pride at being able to open the bridge. Robert and family were also present for the opening of the first District Hospital, called the ‘Cottage Hospital’ and in 1907 Robert was again part of the official party at the opening of Bain’s Bridge in Wauchope39.
In 1910 after having represented the Hastings District under two different Premiers for nine years, Robert Hastings was ousted as the representative of Hastings as a Labor Government swept into power40. Robert Davidson again turned his focus to farming and his family. However, there were the stirrings of the First World War on the horizon and Robert would again feel the need to use his influence.
The family continued to participate in local agricultural shows. Jean was particularly known for the quality and variety of her jams. Other members of the family entered flowers, sewing, and a variety of other endeavours41. But as war loomed the attention of the Davidson family turned to other things.
Like many families during the First and Second World Wars the female members of the family and the younger members of the family turned to knitting. They mostly knitted socks for the men fighting in the trenches. Robert Davidson on the other hand turned his attention to the recruitment of men and women to the front.
In 1915 the Coo-ee March started on the 10th of October in Gilgandra with 25 men and finished on the 12th of November with 263 recruits42. The march had stopped at many towns on the way as it gathered in pace and size. Robert Davidson witnessing the success of this march and wanting to do his bit organised a March of his own. Robert started the ‘Long March’ in Grafton where he spoke to the men “with much patriotic fervour”, then “like the Pied-Piper” he led them to Port Macquarie and then onto Taree to catch the train to Sydney. By the time the contingent reached Port Macquarie there were 200 recruits. Overnight accommodation was provided by the use of the hall at the Port Macquarie Show Ground. Nancy recalled working with her sister Jean and many other helpers “washing dishes, providing tea, and cutting sandwiches for the boys” to take with them. The next morning Nancy and Jean climbed into the Tower of St. Thomas’s and “watched the marchers wheel around Horton Street into Gordon Street and kept watching until they were over the crest and out of sight. Although we could no longer hear them, we could still hear the strains of “It’s a Long Way to Tipperary” for the next few minutes.43”
During the War and after the Long March, Robert Davidson again focussed his energy on farming. He wanted to have a place for his children to return to when the war was over. Robert purchased a ten-acre block of land and started to clear it so that it could be made ready for planting. Each day he would take a seven-pound golden syrup tin full of drinking water and some food and after breakfast, he would start clearing the land. He used a plough and all of the cleared growth was removed with his sulky.
Three of Robert Davidson’s sons and one of his daughters saw service in World War 1. They all returned home. However, by the end of the war, the Davidson family went in different directions. By 1914, Mary had moved to Kiama with her husband the Rev. Torbett. The couple had met while George Torbett had the Port Macquarie Charge. Jeanie was the Matron of the Forbes Hospital, she had continued nursing after she had returned from the war. Robert (Bert) was the manager of the Port Macquarie Butter Factory, Jack was living on the farm that Robert had bought while four of his children were away at war. Eric moved from Port Macquarie to the Australian Capital Territory where he worked as a Surveyor and both Nancy and Douglas had eventually moved to Sydney44.
At this time Robert went into semi-retirement45. He sold his farm and house and the majority of his stock46. Robert was still a presence in the town of Port Macquarie, but he no longer engaged in the advocacy that he had previously and he was no longer as evident in public life. In 1929, Robert and Jean went into full retirement, by this time Jean’s health was in considerable decline and Robert was also struggling with poor health. Robert and Jean moved to Kiama to live with their daughter Mary Torbett and their son-in-law. As they left the Port Macquarie district the couple were given a grand farewell. The event took place in Green’s Hall in Port Macquarie. Attendees included the Mayor and Mayoress, several Alderman the Shire President, and other dignitaries. Letters were read from other dignitaries who were unable to make the occasion, including those of members still in Parliament. Both were feted as pioneers of the Port Macquarie District and as major players in the foundation and running of many of the public bodies in the town. It was claimed that there was no public body in town that one or both of the Davidsons did not have a connection to. Speakers took the stand, each of them recalling personal anecdotes about their interactions with Robert Davidson or his wife and calling to mind some of their activities in the service of the district. After the speeches, the Mayor presented the couple with a wallet containing £90. Robert Davidson responded on behalf of himself and his wife, thanking everyone for their support over the 46 years that the Davidsons had lived in Port Macquarie47.
Robert and Jean moved in with Mary at the Manse in Kiama. However, Jean’s health did not recover, and twelve weeks after they moved to Kiama Jean died. Jean was remembered for her constant companionship of Robert in the Port Macquarie District. She was also remembered for her contribution to the Red Cross during the war. Jean was described as “having a gentle nature, a kindly and charitable disposition towards all her acquaintances, and criticism never fell from her lips.48” Jean was buried at Kiama Cemetery. She died on the 16th of December 192949.
Twelve months later on the 5th of August 1931, Robert Davidson also died. His health had not recovered on moving to Kiama and once his wife died Robert never recovered from the shock and steadily declined into senility50. For some months before Robert died he had been moved to the Forbes Hospital where he was looked after by his daughter Jean and other staff at the Forbes Hospital. Robert was also buried at Kiama with his wife. Papers across New South Wales, but particularly in the Port Macquarie and Kiama areas included obituaries that summarised the lives of Robert and Jean Davidson and the impact that they had on so many people and communities.
1907 ‘Mr. Robert at Davidson at Kempsey. ‘, The Macleay Chronicle (Kempsey, NSW : 1899 – 1952), 20 June, p. 4. , viewed 16 Dec 2023,
1910 ‘Mr. Davidson at Port Macquarie.’, The Port Macquarie News and Hastings River Advocate (NSW : 1882 – 1950), 1 October, p. 4. , viewed 18 Dec 2023,
1910 ‘Presentation to Mr. Davidson’, The Macleay Chronicle (Kempsey, NSW : 1899 – 1952), 21 December, p. 6. , viewed 13 Dec 2023,
1911 ‘Mr. Robert Davidson on the Referenda.’, The Macleay Chronicle (Kempsey, NSW : 1899 – 1952), 26 April, p. 3. , viewed 12 Dec 2023,
1913 ‘Mr. Davidson on the Hastings.’, The Macleay Chronicle (Kempsey, NSW : 1899 – 1952), 26 November, p. 3. , viewed 17 Dec 2023,
1920 ‘Advertising’, The Port Macquarie News and Hastings River Advocate (NSW : 1882 – 1950), 28 February, p. 5. , viewed 08 Jan 2024,
1929 ‘FAREWELL & PRESENTATION.’, The Port Macquarie News and Hastings River Advocate (NSW : 1882 – 1950), 28 September, p. 4. , viewed 26 Jun 2023,
1929 ‘Obituary.’, The Kiama Independent, and Shoalhaven Advertiser (NSW : 1863 – 1947), 21 December, p. 2. , viewed 13 Dec 2023,
1929 ‘OBITUARY’, The Port Macquarie News and Hastings River Advocate (NSW : 1882 – 1950), 21 December, p. 4. , viewed 19 Dec 2023,
1931 ‘DEATH OF ROBERT DAVIDSON, EX-M.L.A.’, The Richmond River Herald and Northern Districts Advertiser (NSW : 1886 – 1942), 14 August, p. 3. , viewed 24 Mar 2023,
1931 ‘LATE REV. R. DAVIDSON.’, Newcastle Morning Herald and Miners’ Advocate (NSW : 1876 – 1954) , 11 August, p. 7. , viewed 27 Aug 2017,
1931 ‘OBITUARY.’, The Port Macquarie News and Hastings River Advocate (NSW : 1882 – 1950), 8 August, p. 4. , viewed 26 Jun 2023,
Birth Cert. DAVIDSON, Mary C D. Name: Mary C D Davidson Birth Date: 1884 Birth Place: New South Wales Registration Year:1884 Registration Place: Port Macquarie, New South Wales, Australia Father: Robert Davidson Mother: Jane L Registration Number: 21839
Harte, B. 1979. Man with a Mission, Port Macquarie News, Monday, September 24, 1979.
Harte, B. 1991. ‘Dirty’ politics- and the coming of the railway line. Port Macquarie News, Wednesday, January 23, 1991
Find a Grave, database and images ( accessed 02 January 2024), memorial page for Robert Davidson (unknown–5 Aug 1931), Find a Grave Memorial ID 48913395, citing Kiama Cemetery, Kiama, Kiama Municipality, New South Wales, Australia; Maintained by Wooday2 (contributor 49066939).
New South Wales Government. Inward passenger lists. Series 13278, Reels 399-560, 2001-2122, 2751. Mariners and Ships in Australian Waters. 2009. Sorata. State Records Authority of New South Wales: Shipping Master’s Office; Passengers Arriving 1855 – 1922; NRS13278, [X164] reel 458. Transcribed by Margaret Ranger. Proofed by P & H Smith.
Scotland Operations, Inc, Select Births and Baptisms, 1564-1950, Statutory registers Births : 616/ 95, 1858/ 616/95; Jane Logan Muir 12 Jul 1858 Father: James Muir- manufacturer Mother: Mary Muir maiden name Calderwood
Scotland Births and Baptisms, 1564-1950, (Birth Certificates, FHL microfilm, Mauchline,Ayr,Scotland), 035516 (1856). Rec. Date: 27 Aug 2017. Cit. Date: 27 Aug 2017.
Scotland Scotland Registry, marriage certificate 644/9 365 (1885), Davidson-Muir; digital image,, “Statutory registers Marriages 644/9 365,”Scotlands People ( ). Rec. Date: 27 Aug 2017. Cit. Date: 27 Aug 2017.
State Records Authority of New South Wales; Kingswood, New South Wales, Australia; Indexes to deceased estate files; Archive Series: NRS 13341; Series: “Pre A” Series (1923-1939); Reel Number: 3216
Scotland Scotland Registry, marriage certificate 644/9 365 (1885), Davidson-Muir; digital image,, “Statutory registers Marriages 644/9 365,”Scotlands People ( Rec. Date: 27 Aug 2017. Cit. Date: 27 Aug 2017.
Photos illustrate what is happening at a particular time and place in a family’s history. They also, usually illustrate the best of a family. Photos are about presenting an appearance. In particular, early photos are often staged with all members wearing their best clothing. These photos are very different from today’s snapshots of every aspect of a person’s life.
Photos may show relationships. For example, the father of the bride, the members of a wedding party including family and friends. Photos may also show good clothing over a range of events for example a wedding dress being worn by multiple family members at different weddings. See below as each bride from the same family wears the same dress. In this case, the dress was purchased during the war when fabric was very expensive. Coupons were used to source the materials. It was only possible for the family to afford one dress of this type so it was made in such a way that adjusting the dress could be done relatively easily so that more than one family member could wear the dress. Each bride had their own veil and accessories.
Jeffrey Carter, Shirley Gransden and Robert Stanley Gransden August 1946 Robert Burt, Betty Gransden and Robert Stanley Gransden April 1945Keith Baker and Thora Gransden February 1945
In addition to the above, photos may be used to help identify individuals and or places. Using the backs of photos and the details of the photographer it can be possible to identify where and when a photograph was taken. Photos of one individual over time can be used to help identify people or other photos.
For example, the photo of Robert Gransden below is from the Tasma Studios. Robert had two sons marry around the time of this photo and one daughter. I have photos of one of those weddings but I don’t know who was the person who was married. In this case, as all of those weddings took place in Rural NSW it is probable that either the photographer was travelling, or more likely, the wedding parties did a combined trip to Sydney and all had their photos taken at the same time.
Robert GransdenSame studio, same time frame. Either Henry and Naomi Gransden or Albert and Emily. Approximately 1901
The older photo of Robert Gransden also helped me to identify an earlier photo of Robert Gransden. The set of the jaw is the same, the hair parting is in the same place, the way the ears sit is the same and the mouth is the same. There is a significant difference in the time of the photo but it is the same person.
Robert Gransden- earlier photo, probably around 1870s. May well have been a wedding photo. If so, the photo of his wife Sarah Balcomb from the same date seems to be missing.
Overall, photos can be used to add colour to a family’s history. They can add connections between family members so that the family can be seen as a group, not just as individuals. Photos show the family as they come together to celebrate. They can also show the family as their grieve for lost members or in other circumstances and celebrations, for example, the celebration of Fred Lockwood and Emma Lockwood nee Atkins’ 50th wedding anniversary shown below.
Fred Lockwood and Emma Lockwood nee Atkins 50th Wedding Anniversary July 18 1929. ‘The Caraleon’ George St, Parramatta
Photos are yet another tool in the arsenal of the Family Historian to help the historian move beyond just the names and dates of family members. They help us to find the stories of those family members.
Years ago I did a series of blog posts that looked at the death of Mary Ann Russell nee Gransden. At the time I had written all of the information up but I got caught up with work and didn’t publish the final possibility on my blog. A few weeks ago I was going through my research and realised that my blog was missing that final post. So, this is the final possibility for the death of Mary Ann Russell. This is also the possibility that I think is the most likely.
Newington Asylum
Mary Russell died in the Newington Asylum age 70 (NSW BDM Russell, Mary 1890/4311). The Newington Asylum was a pauper asylum for women. Whilst men were being sent to either the Parramatta Asylum or the Liverpool Asylum women were also sent to a number of different asylums. One of those was the Newington Asylum. This Mary Russell died in the Newington Asylum.
The Newington Asylum was located where the Silverwater Penitentiary is located now. The Asylum building is apparently still on the grounds of the Penitentiary. It is difficult to find out about Asylums for women in NSW during the period that Mary Russell was in the Newington Asylum. Dates conflict and there seems to be little real information on who was where and when.
Hyde Park Barracks
Figure 1 Hyde Park Barracks, NSW- Authors Collection
In 1862 the Hyde Park Asylum became the first Government-run Asylum for the aged and infirm. Unfortunately, none of the records for the Hyde Park Asylum has survived making it near impossible to identify the women who lived out the last of their lives in the Hyde Park Asylum. However, the Asylum at Hyde Park lasted only around 20 years before a purpose build Asylum at Newington took on the role of housing the infirm and destitute women of New South Wales.
The women living at the Hyde Park Asylum were transferred to the Newington Asylum in 1886. With no records to go on it is unknown if the Mary Russell who died at the Newington Asylum had lived at the Hyde Park Asylum or had joined her compatriots at the Newington Asylum.
Within a short space of time after the Newington Asylum was opened it was the subject of scandal and an investigation due to the lack of facilities and the harsh conditions.
A lady, writing on behalf of the Ladies’ Board of the Newington Asylum, N.S.W., contributes to the Sydney press a letter, the publication of which is authorised by Lady Martin, the president, and the other members of the board. The writer, referring to the charges of cruelty and brutality, published in the Times of 13th inst., says:– “I cannot accept the testimony of inmates who for years, maybe, have assisted in the work of oppression against the evidence of my own senses. I have seen the eyes, nose, and mouth of the dying full of flies, no screen or net being near. I have seen Mrs. Crother, a young consumptive woman, dying, and since dead, who told me that the first night she was at Newington a woman died in the adjoining bed, and was left there until noon the next day. In the ward in which the young woman died there are 35 beds, and the wardswoman has the charge of all, night and day. I have not seen the woman very harsh, but I have seen the women in charge of the other wards cruel to the sick and dying. I have seen the women dying with the sheets over their faces to protect them from the flies. I have often heard the groans and cries of poor women suffering with some inflammatory disease, and I think it was almost impossible for the doctor to have his orders carried out with the system of nursing which is exercised. I have seen sago taken in a bucket (after Mr Didds had ordered more medical comforts) to the sick, and put into tin pannikins, and partaken of with black looking iron spoons. The bucket may have been clean, but it looked dirty. On Thursday last every pillow in one of the wards of the Cancer Hospital was made of coarse holland, about a quarter filled with chaff, and no pillow cases. The drinking water for due want of the latter hospital on the occasion of my last three visits was kept in a galvanised slop pail. The old people present a strong contrast to a similar institution in Melbourne, where day and night nurses are provided, and where the cost is only 2s 11½d a week per head.
In the Legislative Assembly on Tuesday night, says the Age, in reply to Mr Dibbs, Sir H. Parkes, said it would take him another week before he could inform the House what he was going to do with regard to the Government asylums report, but he could promise that the asylums would be placed under good management.
In December of 1887 the condition of Newington Asylum was still being debated with little or no progress having so far been achieved.
Newington Asylum.
The Colonial Secretary has not lost sight of Newington Asylum as some people, whose wish is father to the thought, seem to suppose. Oh the contrary, the matter has been for months past and is now occupying the attention of Sir Henry Parkes. He has resolved upon some very weeping changes in the management and personnel of this particular asylum as soon as they can possibly be made with advantage and without prejudice to the health and comfort of the inmates. While the Premier is of opinion that the management of Newington Asylum is not all that can be desired, he is convinced, from personal observation and inquiry that the sick, decrepit, enfeebled old women there are as well treated as the circumstances will permit, and as well as this class of patients are treated in similar institutions in other parts of the world. Nevertheless, changes of a very sweeping character are to take place shortly; but, although the Government is anxious to effect them with as little delay as possible, probably two months will elapse before this can be done. What the charges are is not exactly known; but it has been decided to remove certain people attached to the asylum, but whose removal is surrounded with special difficulties, one of which is that of getting properly qualified persons to take the places of those whose services are to be dispensed with. Another difficulty in the way of the contemplated change is the difficulty experienced by the Government in finding a building which shall offer all the requisite, accommodation and conveniences. The Government would like to secure the Randwick Aylum for the Newington Asylum patients; but there are legal obstacles in the way at present, which, it is hoped, may ultimately be overcome. The necessity of trained nurses being: attached to this institution has been recognised by the Government, and authority has been given for engaging the services of four trained nurses, to whom is to be given the care of the very old and feeble of the inmates. The ultimate intention is to classify the whole of the patients in accordance with the ages and complaints, and the more aged women and hopeless cases will be placed entirely under the care of trained nurses. In short, old Newington is to disappear altogether, and the care of the aged is to be conducted on more thorough and scientific lines, and entrusted to those most competent to carry out so important a trust.
By 1890, the date of the death of Mary Russell, the Newington Asylum does seem to have gone through some of the badly needed reforms. An overview of daily life in the Newington Asylum can be read, 1890 ‘CHATS ON OUR CHARITIES.’, Illustrated Sydney News (NSW : 1881 – 1894), 20 February, p. 10. , viewed 05 Nov 2016, At the time of Mary Russell’s death the Newington Asylum held 450 inmates. The original house, Newington House, was still being used for the Asylum but by this stage, it was more an admissions house rather than the main quarters for the inmates. As the new regulations and changes occurred the death rate for the inmates went down and the quality of food and care increased.
Mary Russell died at the Newington Asylum. There are no admission or patient records for the Asylum prior to 1897 according to the NSW State Archives Like with the Mary Russell who died at Athlone Place it may never be possible to tell if this Mary Russell is Mary Russell nee Gransden. If she is our Mary Russell then it is possible that she was in both the Hyde Park Asylum and the Newington Asylum. William Russell, the one most likely to have been married to Mary was transferred to the Liverpool Asylum for aged and infirm men in 1883 after having requested support in 1882 from the Bathurst Police as he was aged and unable to look after himself.
VAGRANCY. – William Russell, 70 years of age, was charged with vagrancy. He had come into town from Rockley and applied at the lock-up for relief, seeking admission into the Benevolent Asylum. He said he was without friends and was suffering from rheumatism.
The Bench gave him an order for admission into the Bathurst Hospital, from which place he could be forwarded to the Benevolent Asylum if proved to be a fit subject.
It appears likely that Mary Russell was not living with William at this stage. So either she was already in one of the Asylums or she was living elsewhere and earning a living or living with one of her children. Given this and if this is the correct Mary Russell, it is possible that Mary Russell was in one or both Asylums for a considerable period of time.
Aside from the newspaper articles included detailed here, a lot of the information contained in this article and a lot further information can be obtained here:
It is my belief that this is the most likely Mary Ann Russell nee Gransden death. Mary left her husband in the mid 1840s. It is possible that she returned to him, however, it is also very obvious that Mary was a very independent woman who was happy to make her own way in life even if that meant travelling halfway around the world to a new land. I think that it is highly likely that Mary Ann left her husband and when she was no longer able to look after herself and support herself she ended up in the Hyde Park Barracks before being transferred to the Newington Asylum. Unfortunately, it is probable that we will never know for certain.
Social, environmental and cultural events all impact the clothing people wear and how they wore them. During the nineteenth century, there were a number of events that impacted the availability of clothing, colours and the fabric that people wore daily. This post very specifically looks at clothing in Australia and some of the world events that impacted that clothing. Like with this whole series of blog posts, this particular post is not going to be exhaustive.
1832- Universal male suffrage- this started to erode class distinction. As a result, the clothing that people wore, particularly those of the working class, could become more aspirational.
1830s- Australian artefacts such as Emu feathers and Kangaroo fur becomes a trend on clothes in countries other than Australia. This was driven by an overall interest in all things Australian and was not limited to Emu and Kangaroo. This in turn encouraged people living in Australia to wear clothing that utilised Australian flora and fauna. There is a whole ethical debate over this use of Australian flora and fauna and its impact on Aboriginal people. I want to acknowledge that this is a serious issue that had huge impacts. I am not going to go into those impacts here as that is not the purpose of this post.
1840s-1850s- Irish Famine, this increased the presence of people of Irish descent in Australia and thus increased the wearing of clothing that had been fashionable or popular in Ireland.
1847- Women and Children in the UK were given a 10-hour working day. This was part of a fight for general improvements in the quality of working conditions. In 1856, some men in Australia were granted the 8-hour working day. There followed a series of disputes and fights for greater working rights that continued into the 20th century as men women and children fought for shorter working days and better pay and conditions. The impact of these fights for working right on fashion was the increasing demand for clothes that could be worn while working and were easy to take on and off and to care for.
1850s- Increases in income and the gold rushes in Australia- fashion became more accessible. Those that were successful as a result of the gold mines wanted to show off their wealth. This is a time of conspicuous consumption in Australia. Fashion starts to be marketed towards the working classes, not just the wealthy.
1857– Indian rebellion against the British East India Company. This contributed to the British take-over of India and the start of the British Raj. A wave of Indian-inspired fashion and fashion designs followed. This love of Indian-inspired clothing started earlier than 1857 but was expanded after the start of the British Raj. See the paisley shall in the image below as an example of Indian-inspired clothing.
1861- Death of Prince Albert- this sparked a wave of fashionable mourning attire including black clothing, jet beads, broaches with hair in them and many other items of fashionable clothing and adornment. While popular before the death of Prince Albert the prevalence of these items after Prince Albert’s death was much higher.
1861-1865- American Civil War- this changed the access to cotton that many countries had. Prior to the civil war, many countries were easily able to obtain cheap cotton. After the civil war, this was much harder to obtain and other fabrics gained popularity.
1880-1901- New Zealand becomes the first country in the world to grant female suffrage, followed by Australia and many other countries over decades. This, along with the increasing popularity of the bicycle is linked to feminine dress reform. The bicycle allowed women the freedom and flexibility to be able to go where they chose when they chose and not to need a man for them to be able to travel. As bikes became more popular with women skirts became less bulky and eventually bloomers and trousers became popular for women.
Late nineteenth century- the increase in leisure activities that came with industrialisation and workers rights meant that there was a demand for clothing that could be used for leisure activities such as swimming, cycling, tennis, horse riding, train travel etc. This resulted in substantial changes to the way that clothing was used and perceived.
1890s Depression- this, plus the increasing popularity and affordability of the sewing machine contributed to an increase in the amount of home-sewn clothing, particularly for men. Up until now men had mostly found it easier to buy clothing in Australia, for many reasons including the gender imbalance. In the 1890s home sewn clothing for men once again starts to regain some popularity.
Edward Atkins Jnr was born on the 10th of January 1852 in West Pennant Hills. Edward Atkins Jnr, like his father, also known as Edward Atkins, was a successful Nurseryman. He married Maria Allsop in 1878 and the family made their home mostly at Edward Atkins Snr’s property ‘Mount Pleasant’ situated at present-day Atkins Road in Ermington. In the 1880’s Edward was planning on expanding his Nursery and Orchard Company, this would also give Edward Jnr and his young family, the opportunity to move to their own house.
Purchase of sections of the Bennet Estate by Edward Atkins.
Edward took out a loan in 1891 to buy the section of Bennets Farm that he was interested in purchasing. He then set about building the house.
1890 ‘Ermington.’, Australian Town and Country Journal (Sydney, NSW : 1870 – 1907), 24 May, p. 14. , viewed 09 Feb 2019,
due to a series of court cases ending in eventual bankruptcy for Edward Atkins
Jnr Fernleigh had to be sold shortly after the house had been completed and the
family had been able to move into the new residence.
In particular, Edward has appointed a Mr Morris to act as an assignee to his estate while he was absent in Mildura. Edward went through a series of losses in banks and companies that he held shares. As a result, Mr Morris sold Edward’s nursery in one lot failing to account for the assets in the nursery, such as trees and other plants. These losses and poor financial management, particularly due to the resale, Mr Terry, then foreclosed on the mortgage on Fernleigh. The discharge on the Mortage after selling the estate finally came through in October of 1895.
In 1894 the house and lands were advertised for sale.
While the sewing machine was invented in the late 1770s, it did not become readily available until the 1860s. In Australia, the first sewing machine factory, built by Singer, was constructed and began selling sewing machines to the public in 1864. At around the same time, synthetic dyes became readily available. This meant that for colour it became much easier to purchase fabrics that were bright and colourful. Prior to this time, it was much more expensive to obtain brightly coloured cloth, or it needed to be dyed at home using plants from the local area. The impact of the sewing machine meant that women were more easily able to make fashionable clothing faster than they had previously been able.
At the same time that colour and fabric was changing, skirts were also changing. The bulk of the fabric was shifting to the back, with the introduction of the bustle, later the front of the skirt started to flattern out to emphasise the bustle further. Bodices were tight, necks were high, particularly for daywear and the front of the jacket was often buttoned. In the 1870s trains started to be used for both day wear and evening wear. This necessitated a button on flounce that sat under the train. This could be taken off and washed and then put back on to help to prolong the life of the skirt.
Hair was worn in low chignons at the nape of the neck. As the decade progressed these shifted to high complicated fashions often enhanced by fake hair.
Unknown woman circa 1874-1876 Bean collection
Menswear of the 1860s-1870s
Single-breasted coats and jackets were worn. The outer jacket was usually semi-fitted and thigh length. Waistcoats were also single-breasted. Sometimes they matched the outer jacket but they did not have to. High starched collars were worn with cravats and neckties. Three-piece suits started to be worn as an alternative to the frock coat. In these cases, the waistcoat did match the suit. Frock coats, when worn were often fastened high on the chest.
Facial hair was becoming common, even for fashionable men in the city. For those who were more fashion conscious, this may be quite sculpted, for those in more rural areas this could be a significant beard and whiskers.
Headwear still included the top hat, but this was being increasingly overtaken by the use of the Bowler hat.
Unknown person from Bean collection circa 1870s.
Women’s Wear 1880-1890s
Tightly fitted bodices with narrow sleeves were still very popular during this period. High necklines remained fashionable as did trim and or frills of lace, particularly at the neck and cuffs. Skirts were still being drawn to the back, but the bustle disappeared for a while until the middle of the 1880s when it made a resurgence. There was a lot less material in the skirts overall than in previous decades. During this period there was a lot of movement in skirts. At some stages, skirts were cinched in around the legs which could make walking difficult. At other times the skirts flowed in what was known as the free-form style which contained a low bustle but was not as distinct as the much larger bustle of the mid 1880s.
In the later 1890s, the sleeves became larger at the head of the sleeve. This became known as the “leg of mutton” sleeve and was a considerable departure from the earlier tight sleeve that had dominated fashion for a couple of decades.
Hats were small and sat perched on top of the hairstyle. Hats became quite elaborate and decorative, often with a lot of colour.
Mary Carter circa 1890, Bean collection
Menswear 1880-1890s
Lounge suits were increasing in popularity. They included slim-line jackets worn open. Under the jacket was a high buttoned waistcoat and usually a fob or watch chain. Collars were still and high with neckties becoming increasingly common. Frock coats were still worn but they were becoming dated and old-fashioned.
Trousers were being worn more loosely than had been worn in previous decades and they often had a turned-up cuff. The trouser press became popular and easy for people in the cities to access. This lead to a fashion for a straight crease down the front of the pants.
Unlike previous decades, at this time it was more fashionable for men to be clean shaved with shorter hairstyles.
Headwear was increasingly leaning towards the Bowler hat. For those that were not wearing a Bowler, crowns of hats were still lowering or not being worn at all.
This post is going to be a series of posts about a dress that I made over a year ago that was based on an unknown photo in my Great Aunty Margarets collection. The photo was one that she had received a while ago, it was probably taken in Orange, but I don’t know because when I was given the photographs to scan I didn’t know about making sure that I scanned the backs as well as the fronts of the photographs. The box held a large number of photos, some of which I could identify were of family members and some that were of famous people of the day. Many of the photos are still unidentified.
One of the photos caught my attention. So far, my attempts at identifying this photo suggest that the woman in the photograph may be one of my three times great grandmothers.
Unidentified photo approximately 1874-1876 NSW, Australia
I decided to use the dress in this photo to try and find out more about the woman in the photo. Even if I never identified the the woman the research that I could do to understand the photo and the woman are comprehensive. But, because I also want to make this post relevant to family historians, first a little bit about dating photos based upon dress.
History of Clothes in the 19th Century
Women’s Wear of the 1840s-1850s
Women in this period typically wore a close-fitting bodice with a full skirt and sleeves. The skirt was shaped through the use of lots of petticoats or through the use of a crinoline. A crinoline is usually made out of horsehair and linen and then stiffened with steel, cane or gutta-perch.
Sleeves were off the shoulder and both collars and sleeves, particularly for under-clothing were often detachable.
Dresses during this time were aimed to give a woman the Victorian ideal of a meek and delicate woman with a pale complexion and of passive behaviour. However, in Australia, and many other parts of the world, despite appearances this is not what a woman was. Having to work in rural areas and undertake back-breaking physical work while looking after children meant that the ideal and the reality were often far from the same.
Dresses during this period were often made at home and were usually hand-stitched. Although sewing machines had been invented in the later 1700s, they did not start to become readily available or cheap until after the 1850s. For women in Australia, they were extremely rare until the middle of the 1860s when Singer established a factory in Australia.
In addition to the overall clothing of the 1850s, women wore deep bonnets and their hair was usually in a bun or coils with a centre parting.
Menswear was usually ready-made. Clothes had a long thin line with narrow sleeves and a fitted look. It was much more common for men’s clothing to be readily available rather than made at home. Many men were away from cities for a long period of time, particularly in Australia. They made trips to the city for a short space of time and they were often on the move. There was also a huge gender imbalance in Australia. So, having clothes ready-made and able to be purchased made a lot of sense.
Along with the long slim line of the coat, trousers were relatively tight, waistcoats were fashionable and collars were upstanding with neckties. At this time the sack coat- a thigh-length loosely fitted coat become popular. As the decade progressed everything in male fashion became more exaggerated. In Australia, much of this was due to money from gold mining changing who had access to wealth. Suddenly those that had never experienced wealth before may be able to make their fortune at the digs and men who made their fortune wanted to show that fortune in their clothing, this was a time of conspicuous consumption.
In the 1850s the Bowler hat was invented and gradually overtook the popularity of the top hat. In the early 1850s, the Bowler was very much a working class hat. It had been designed initially to protect gamekeepers from low-hanging branches. However, over the next few decades, the Bowler became universally popular as male attire.
On the 30th of March 1945, George Stark died leaving Fernleigh to his sons Kenneth Lawrence Stark and Arthur Campbell Stark. Once again Fernleigh was sold, this time to Mary Jane Elizabeth Clark and Eric Charles Clark.
The Clarks had already been living in Meadowbank, on Bowden Street. Mary was working as a nurse and it is probable that it was this family who first thought of using the large home as a hospital. Eric was working as an electrician, which would have worked well as a way of maintaining the house. However, Eric Clark died shortly after the couple moved into the house and the house was sold in 1947 to Ivy Niland.
Like Mary Clark, Ivy Niland was a widow. Her husband, William Martin Niland a local solicitor had died in June of 1945. The couple had lived in Waverly before William had died. After his death, Ivy had moved for a short time to Mosman. However, Ivy purchased the Fernleigh property and decided to open up a rest home. The first indication that Fernleigh has actually become a nursing home of some type is an entry in the 1954 electoral roll which shows Ivy Niland as a Rest Home proprietress.
Ivy remained at Fernleigh, running the nursing home until 1961. At this stage, the Fernleigh property is broken up. Previously, Fernleigh had included all of the lands within the boundaries of Constitution Road, Station Street, Sherbrooke Road and Mons Street. The early Meadowbank Estate subdivisions had originally planned to break this area up into four smaller blocks, however, they had been purchased as one. With the death of Ivy Niland, the earlier planned break up finally occurs.
During this time the Fernleigh property still reaches from Sherbrooke Road to Constitution Road, but the long driveway to the house is hemmed in by properties on either side.
The Fernleigh Property is now divided up among a number of people and companies. Patricia Mary Foley of Maroubra and Nolene Marie Crowley of Mosman become tenants in common of a portion of the property. Florence Nominees Pty Ltd and Pentagon Investments Pty Ltd own the rest of the property, also as tenants in common.
Ivy Niland- owner of Fernleigh
By 1961 there are more people owning a portion of the Fernleigh property. The Cassady’s own 107 Constitution Road, the Rylands, and Shepherds own 105 Constitution Road which is the address of the Fernleigh House. The opposite side of the block, at 8 Sherbrooke Road is lived in by Richard Nobbs and his wife who is a nurse. They reside with another nurse Theresa Mary Camillus.
By 1968, Ruby Violet Ward and her husband Harry Herbert Ward are living at, and own, 8 Sherbrooke Road. They are living with Elsie Pamela Mountney and Kenneth William Mountney. Both women are nurses, while the men are plant protection officers and clerks. At this stage, it is highly likely that both couples are working at Fernleigh and operating the house as a nursing home. Certainly, at this point in time, the Fernleigh house is the property of Ruby Violet Ward.
In 1977 the house once again changes hands. At this stage, the address of the property where the house is situated is 105 Constitution Road, lived in by Kenneth Leslie Shephard and Lilian Alice Shephard. 8 Sherbrooke Road now has two different residents, number 8 and number 8a. 8a is still tied to the main house with Lleida Wild, resident of 8a, being a forelady.
Sometime between 1964-1967 and 1968, the frontage of Fernleigh is moved from Constitution Road to 8 Sherbrooke Road. At the same time, the house is extended through a red brick addition.
Fernleigh as it was just before destruction. The frontage is now on Sherbrooke Rd and the red-brick additions are clearly visible. The original chimneys can still be seen and some of the original stonework.
At this time Fernleigh starts to be promoted through large ads placed in the Sydney phone books.
Fernleigh was successfully run as a nursing home for a number of years. But, by 1982 there was an application to transfer the license of Fernleigh Nursing Home, 8 Sherbrooke Road, West Ryde from Joseph Arthur James Barrington and Lawrence James Adler to Moran Hospitals Pty Ltd. Fernleigh was registered as a general class nursing home licensed to accommodate 93 patients.
Adler had made money through insurance companies. He bought a string on insurance companies and later started to move into nursing homes. It is not certain when he obtained Fernleigh, however, it was probably during a merger or takeover as there does not seem to be any other record with Land Titles, other than the Niland purchase. So it is probable that this was part of a larger property swap.
Moran was a sort of rags to riches story. Moran worked towards making his money in real estate. He when he was married a nurse called Greta King, so Moran went into nursing homes. He built up this business and was extremely successful.
Moran has a difficult reputation, in particular, he was seen as extensively money-hungry, making comments about “elderly bludgers”. He was influential in the Howard Government until his attitude meant that the Government had to pull out of supporting him as he was becoming electorally unpopular.
Moran Aged Care became part of the MFS Group, a large financial group in the US. In the 2000’s Principal Aged Care, now part of the Domain Aged Care group also came under the MFS banner. At this time there was a dispute between MFS and Village life, another provider of aged care services. This left hundreds of elderly pensions with no homes.
In 2008 Domain Aged Care changes its name and now comes under the Opal banner. This has not stopped the bad publicity that has so far dogged the company. This has been particularly evident in the late enquiry into nursing homes.
The inquiry into tax practices of for-profit providers of age care services report found that in 2015-16 the six largest for-profit aged care providers including BUPA, Opal Aged Care, Regis Healthcare, Estia Health, Japara and Allity received over $2.17 billion in government subsidies, made after-tax profits of $210 million and paid around $154 million in tax.
Opal and Allity paid no tax in the year 2014-2015 and Allity also paid no tax the following year, according to the report.
As part of Opal’s plans for Fernleigh Nursing Home, the original building was pulled down in 2019.
The destruction of Fernleigh in 2019.The continued destruction of Fernleigh 2019.
Today, all that remains of a once beautiful old home, with a long history in Meadowbank, is a part of the original front gate which leads out onto Constitution Road. The gate post sits between two large blocks of units and is a relic of the past.
The last remaining part of the original Fernleigh property. One side of the gate.
With the destruction of Fernleigh, the commencement of the building of the new structure that now takes the place of Fernleigh was started.
Start of the construction of the new “Meadowbank Grove” nursing home that was being built on the site of the original Fernleigh homestead. The construction of the new nursing home required the purchase of a number of the properties that were originally part of the Fernleigh estate and that were sold off in the 1960’s.
Meadowbank Grove, as it is now known, has been completed. While there are potentially some nods to the original house, in the sandstone blocks and even the house as it was in the 1960s with the red walls, the loss of one of Ryde’s early homes is a considerable cultural loss.